The Sparks Return

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   Black Cat was an interesting person. Right now, I was chasing her. Got to admit, I'm tired. With the field trip and this, I just don't have the energy. She was too far ahead for my webs to get her, so that was out. Only thing now was chasing on foot.

   We were passing the school and she still wouldn't give up. She was running with priceless jewelry. Enough to get me a place of my own.

"I was just here!" I yelled when passing the school.

"So your young, just what I like" she said.

   Wow, she won't quit. I'm flattered really, but my eyes are set on someone else. Black Cat was running way ahead and I couldn't keep up. She got away with the jewelry.

   I decided just to go home. I snuck into my room, closed the door stealthily, and jumped down from the roof. I turned and saw Ned.

"Why does this always happen with you!" I said.

"I don't know, it just does" he said.

   The door knob started to rattle, so I jumped back on the roof.

"Peter?" A girl said.

"Peter isn't here, Wanda" Ned said.

"Oh, then I'll wait for him"

Ned looked up at me and I started to shake my head.

"You can't! He is changing" Ned said.

"But I thought he wasn't here"

"He isn't. He's changing somewhere else"

   I decided to sneak back out, with some clothes, and change outside. When I finished changing I knocked on my apartment door.

"Peter. When did you leave?" Aunt May said.

"When you weren't looking" I replied.

"Ok, well Ned and Wanda are here"

   I then walked to my room and heard Ned still trying to cover for me.

"Hey guys" I said opening the door.

"Peter! Thank God" Ned said

"Where were you" Wanda asked.

"Somewhere else, changing"

   Turns out all they wanted to do was hang out. In the morning I decided to visit the tower. When I went I saw Stan again. We talk everytime I walk in. When I finished talking to Stan, I went to the Avengers level of the tower, you know the one where everyone hangs out. While the elevator was going up, it stopped. I pressed the buttons hoping to get up, but nothing happened. I decided to climb through the elevator shaft. Man was it dusty. Has no one cleaned here? I ran to the floor I went towards and manually opened the door. When I opened it, the Avengers we're pacing around.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"A blackout, that stretches far" Natasha said

"Mr. Stark! Can I get the suit?"

"Kid it's only a prototype, it's nothing like the old one" Mr. Stark said.

"It's ok, I need it"

"Fine, here is the bag. Just pull on the straps"

   I put on the bag and hoped that it worked because I was gonna jump out a window. When I jumped, I pulled on the straps but nothing was working. When I almost hit the ground, I yanked the strapped and was engulfed in darkness.

"Peter. Hello, shall I boot up all protocols?" A robotic voice said.

"Karen? Is that you?"

"Yes, Peter. Welcome to the new Iron Spider"

   I looked at myself and noticed the only colors I had were red and gold. The new suit was working. Now, time to find the source of the blackout.

   It took awhile but I found it. It was a cell tower. I know phones are bad, but not this bad.

"Hello, Spider. Remember me?"

"Sparky! How's life treating you" I replied.

"Badly, you put me in a cell to rot and my name isn't Sparky. It's Electro" Sparky said.

"Well you put yourself there, I only gave you a punch in the right direction"

"This ends now!"

   He said that and sent electricity after me. It's kinda easier fighting Electro. He is uses the same moves over and over.

"So I see the Raft hasn't changed you, huh Max?" I said, knowing he would get mad.

"Just die, bug" he said.

   I webbed launched towards him and punched him. Little did I know. He punched me back sending me flying. My body felt paralyzed.

"I got a little upgrade, Spider"

"Yeah, I can see that" I said still in pain.

   He sent bolts at me, but I kept dodging. He got one hit and I almost was a goner. He was way more powerful than before.

"Who gave you the upgrade? I need some as well" I said.

"You know them well bug, but you don't need the upgrade as far as I can see."

"Oh you flatter me"

   I kept swinging around the towers that were there. I only got a punch on him. I kept dodging thinking of a plan, when it hit me. Like a lightning bolt. Wait. That was a lightning bolt. But the plan came to mind as well. I decided to swing around him Star Wars style, but instead of tying him, I web him.

"What is this" he said.

"You remember the webbing I came up with. You don't want to know about it"

"Curse you"

"Come on, we're buds"

   When I finished webbing him up, I grabbed him with my webs and tossed him to the ground.

"Could you stay there for me?" I said, webbing him to the ground.

"It's not over. You hear me Spider hmm"

"Put a can in it, Sparky"

   The cops were already on the way, meaning my time to go. I was swinging around on my patrol when I got a text.

Hey, let's meet up at central park


   I swung back to my apartment and changed my clothes to head to central park. When I got there I just walked around. I was about to text when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw Wanda.

"Wanda, what are you doing here?"

"I needed to meet up with someone" she said.

"Me too"

"I know"

"What do you mean you kno- wait"

"Hello Peter. I'm Scarlet"

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