The Realization

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   This was happening too fast. First, I deal with Sparky and now, not even 2 hours later, this.

"Wai- How?" I would reply.

"It came as a surprise too, when I figured out it was you" Wanda said.

"How do you know it's me?"

"With how you reacted? Trust me. I know"

   For awhile we talked about how she knew or simple things. It's kinda nice knowing Scarlet is Wanda. Feelings have never been my thing. I didn't know who I should like. One I knew, the other I didn't. You would think that's an easy answer. Not really.

"I just thought you should know, anyway I got to go to this really important meeting with the Avengers" Wanda said.

   Meeting? What meeting? Mr. Stark never mentioned meeting. But after that incident I decided to head to Avengers tower to see if there is a meeting. While walking in the lobby I heard a voice.


"Mr. Lee, how are you?"

"Please, call me Stan. You don't need to make me sound older than I am"


"Sooo how's the thing going?"


"The thing" he said making his hand form Spider-Man's when he's swinging.

"Oh, it's great"

"That's good. I'm glad the power isn't getting to you"

"What do you mean?"

"You have a power Peter. Now what you do with it, I can't tell you. Just know, you follow your heart. Remember, with great power, comes great responsibility"

   That hit close to home. Stan reminds me of Ben a lot. Now that he said those words, I guess he really is a Ben of sorts.

"I'll remember that Mr. Lee"

"You mean Stan"

"Thank you. Stan Lee"

"Just Stan kid"

   When I walked in the elevator, I asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to send me up high. Only to Mr. Stark's level. When the elevator let me know I was there, I walked out only to see Wanda.

"Wow, you got here fast" I said.

"Yeah, faster than you"

"There's no meeting is there?"

"Nope. Bye"

"Wai- and she's gone"

   After Wanda left, I turned towards the lab Mr. Stark was in. When I entered the lab, all I heard was Led Zeppelin.

"Mr. Stark!"


"Mr. Stark!!!"

   That got him.

"What's up kid?"

"Why are you playing Led Zepp-"

"Don't finish that sentence"

"Rock. Why are you playing rock."

"Well, I just want to hear some AC/DC"

"Right, ok. What do you need help with?"

"This equation, I'm trying to figure out what it means. Some guy gave it to me. What was the name? Give me a sec, I know it started with a C. It was like a Con. Condor? No. I don't know, point is, help"

"Wait. That's cross-species genetics. It's when the brain cells that make-"


"-start to disappear. That's curing yourself, if someone were to do that"

   This is something any nerd would geek out about. But why give it to Mr. Stark. That Con guy was onto something.

"Great Scott" Mr. Stark said.

"Ok, Doc"

"That's right, Marty"

"You know Back to the Future?"

"Of course I know Back to the Future. That was in theaters back in my day"

   After learning about the equation, I just couldn't help but thinking how it applies. Take for instance a lady who lost an arm. She could technically heal back her arm. She's curing herself.

Sorry for this short update, I'm just trying to see how to incorporate things and still make some sense. Anyway, hope you like. Spider out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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