Chapter 3

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It was hardly a surprise when Ron and Hermione ended up in Gryffindor again, nor was it surprising for anyone when Draco was in Slytherin. They supposed that everyone else would have expected to be in Gryffindor, but Ron and Hermione weren't so sure, he had said that he was almost in Slytherin and this time Ron had been sure not to trash the house.

The only thing different to last time was that they paid close attention to Harry. In doing so they noticed Harry flinch slightly as he reached the stool, they had no way of knowing if that had happened last time or not, as they hadn't paid close enough attention, but they knew it was something to keep an eye on. Harry did still end up in Gryffindor though, which they were happy about.

They knew it wasn't going to be the same as last time, that would be impossible and they were already planning to do a lot differently, but they were all together again. Maybe Harry didn't share their memories, but he was still the same person.

"I'll be there soon, just something I want to check." Ron said, leaving the group, of course he knew his way to the Gryffindor common room, and he was pretty sure he still remembered the first password.

"Okay, I'll wait up to let you in," Hermione said, they both knew that she wasn't just going to be waiting that long to open a door, but it seemed Harry didn't.

"Do you want me to wait too?" Harry asked, looking between Hermione and Ron.

"You can if you want, depends how long Ron takes, if we get told to go to bed then you should. We don't both want to get into trouble on our first night, right?" Hermione said, it didn't matter what teacher it was she already knew what detentions with them were like and she didn't care.

"Then won't you and Ron get in trouble if he's out that late?" Harry looked worried, it made Hermione's heart hurt, she took too long to realise that Harry cared about others so much. She had been the same as everyone else until he and Ron saved her.

"But if I could get in trouble wouldn't you too?" Harry asked, Hermione hadn't realised how cute Harry was when he was 11 until now.

"Then when we get in the common room let's play rock paper scissors to see who waits in the common room and maybe gets in trouble. I really don't mind getting in trouble." Hermione said, smiling brightly. If this was the first time through then she would have refused point blank to do anything that would get herself in trouble, but three years getting into trouble with Harry and Ron, then getting into constant trouble due to only focusing on Harry's case, she didn't care about the petty punishment she would get for staying up, if she really got anything more than a threat. There were usually more than just her and Ron in the common room at night.

"Alright." Harry said, though he didn't look too happy about the situation.


"Malfoy!" Ron called over, though the malice that had been in his voice pretty much every time he had called that name before was missing.

"What do you want Weasley?" Draco asked, crossing his arms as he looked at Ron, though he also had lost any malice that might have been in his voice before. He had dropped that malice before Ron though, in part because Ron had stopped saying his name before Draco had, and after Harry's death Draco dropped malice towards most people.

"We need to talk." Ron said, his eyes flicking over to Crabbe and Goyle, who immediately started moving, and Pansy who was looking at Ron fiercely. "In private."

"It's fine, and sure." Draco said, waving his hand. Though Pansy still looked suspicious about Ron, she did seem to accept Draco's words, but Crabbe and Goyle tried to follow, making Draco annoyed. "I said it's fine!"

"You're not getting on with Crabbe and Goyle?" Ron asked as they reached a nook nobody really went to.

"Never really did, it was a relationship set up by my parents, they're basically glorified bodyguards just after the pay cheque. It was useful once though, they do what they're told more than friends do. But I don't think that's what you wanted to talk about though. Last time it took me years to become friends with Pansy, this time I became her friend as soon as I could. She's nice, but her favourite form of joking is pretending to flirt." Draco said, raising his eyebrow at Ron. Though in later years Ron would be the tallest of their year, currently Draco was taller, though only really enough to be noticeable if they were close.

"Do you remember... When Harry died?" Ron asked with difficulty, not meeting Draco's eyes as he asked.

"Yes, from that I take it you do too? Do you know of anyone else?" Draco leaned against the wall behind him, arms still crossed in an almost defensive position.

"Most of my family, Hermione, and I think Neville. Percy doesn't remember, but we did end up giving an explanation of the basics so he would stop asking." Ron explained, looking around to check they weren't being overheard. "If you're looking for a way to hurt Harry more then back off now, otherwise we should probably all talk."

"I'm not planning to hurt Harry, if multiple people remember that timeline then that means that I think I know what spell was used to turn back time. Don't trust people who seemed close to Harry last time but don't remember it." Draco said firmly.

"Come to Gryffindor Tower after lights out tomorrow night, we're going to talk about everything then. I don't know how we're going to handle it with Harry, I don't think we should tell him about his death, but he doesn't exactly sleep well." Ron said with a sigh, leaning against the wall himself, his position less defensive.

"Who are you going to invite? And I think we should at least all start talking when he's asleep. If he can't sleep then I developed a new sleeping potion in those two years, it doesn't cause a build up, but it can make people disoriented after waking up. I can't show you any of the paperwork obviously, but I remember, so I wouldn't harm Harry." Draco said.

"I'm not sure how you being able to remember that timeline has to do with not hurting Harry, but alright." Ron said. "If you take the potion you're talking about first and are fine then I'll trust you to give it to Harry."

"I don't have any made yet, so it will take a while." Draco said with an annoyed sigh.

"Then make some and prove it's safe." Ron wasn't budging.


"Hey Lex, how are you doing?" The long, black, messy haired TA asked, leaning against the door frame to the dorm room.

"It's been a week, I know Zizi is still alive, but seeing them die isn't something I can easily get over. After that vision I just want to get out of here." Lexsaidh said, only taking the bare essentials out of her trunk as Killian, the TA sat next to her on her bed.

"It should only be about a week, then we can look into ways to take him down from afar. We won't let Rema die this time." Killian said, pulling her into a side hug. "Remember to let us know if you get another vision, no matter what it is."

"I know, but what if I also got the vision before that happened, what if it's a self fulfilling prophecy, what if it's something we can't change it?" Lexsaidh asked, her voice shaking.

"Lexsaidh, if Dumblewhore is the kind of man who would kill Rema, he must have some skeletons we can bring to light. I'll use my own gifts if I have to. We will all get through this." Killian said, trying to reassure her.

"I know, I'm sorry, I'm just scared." Lexsaidh whispered, leaning against him.

"I know, and that makes sense and I'm not trying to tell you not to feel scared. I'm on your side." Killian said quietly, holding Lexsaidh in a comforting way, making Lexsaidh feel like she was a young girl.

((A/N: Drawing at top is Lexsaidh))

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