Perfectly Torn

18 5 0

Run away and forget my name

The screams I cry all sound the same

Just leave at once and don't return

Just leave me here and let me burn

I've got what I deserve tonight

I struggled against you in this fight

When all you did was try to save me

All I do is scar permanently

Shake my fear and step up to play

In the end I will win this game

But there's no win and no lose

Baby, you don't have a clue

It was always you that I had loved

You're a prayer answered from above

I'm sorry the darkness carried me away

I'm sorry I can't love you like the way I say

You're a pretty flower, golden bloom

But I'll strip your petals with imminent doom

It wasn't supposed to be like this

I wish I hadn't let us kiss

Maybe it would never have come this far

Maybe I wouldn't have left a scar

I just wish everything could be the same

Without pointing fingers accusing blame

But it will never be this way with you and me

And maybe it's because we're not meant to be

To have left each other in love and war

Yet we'll love each other perfectly torn

Epiphany [duo] | √Where stories live. Discover now