Heroine vs. Heroin

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She could've been a hero
But instead she chose the buzz
She didn't try to save herself
And ended in a rut

Over time there was no more
Of the girl that was
Hardly coherent enough to think
Her head was in a fuzz

Her family tried to help her
To get her the help she needs
And she went to rehab for a time
But their warnings she did not heed

Her bank account was bare
She had hardly a dime to give
And when the bank took her house
She hadn't a house to live

She figured her life was over
Everything went down the drain
In trying to stop her addiction
Herself, she attempted to train

One day she saw a young man
No more than seventeen
Shooting up like she did
On the side of the street

Her heart went out to him
And she grabbed his arm and said,
"Save yourself and leave drugs be
Or heroin will leave you dead"

From that day on the girl herself
Became awash of sin
She flushed it down the toilet
And never did drugs again

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