An email

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It's been so hard without the kids. Sean not so much considering we didn't get the chance to spend much time together. Aaron and Emily on the other hand is a different story, they were my reason to stay with their mother as long as I did.

"Amon reported sightings of Eyepatch and Rabbit out again in the 20th. Mado is on his way there and I recommend you hurry to catch up to him." Our mail delivery boy says and I tons before grabbing my case and running to catch up.

"Amon when we get there go after Eyepatch if you see him." Mado says and I nod.

"What about Rabbit?"

"I'll take care of her." He says and I nod. We get there as quickly as possible and wait in the shadows. Ever since Mado killed that one ghoul who's Kagune looked a lot like organs the Rabbit has been more apt to kill him. I don't understand why she is so dead set on him for that's not my problem.

Mado takes off when he sees the Rabbit and I wait where I am and pull out a photo of Aaron, Emily, and I. I know that the woman had a kid who she called Hinami and it broke me a bit to know that kid no longer has either parent.

I hear movement and I put the photo back in my wallet and put it back in my pocket before walking out to where Eyepatch was standing.

"It took you a while to show up investigator." Eyepatch says and I get ready to use my Quinque if I have to.

"I needed a moment to put something away." He tilts his head to the side confused and I see a flash image of Aaron and Emily doing that when they looked at me if they didn't understand something. I shove the memory to the side and stand there in front of Eyepatch.

"Your partner is going to be killed." He says.

"What if I go and help?"

"You'll be killed to." He says.

"Why don't you fight me? I was there and did nothing to prevent it."

"I know but you didn't kill Mrs. Ryouko. Your partner did and now Hinami is an orphan. I won't fight you because I don't kill and as long as I have the choice, I won't." He says.

"Why not?"

"I want to make the world a place where both humans and ghouls can exist as equals. There is no reason why we can't." He says.

"I want to help you with that but it's my job to kill your kind." He laughs and I pull my Quinque out of its case.

"Go on and kill me then. I have no reason to go on because I don't fit in anyway. So do it, kill me. I'm right here KILL ME DAMN IT!" He shouts.

I don't know why but I can't. For some reason I can't bring myself to kill him. Why damn it, why can't do it! He breaks down crying in front of me and I can't fight the urge to want to just freeze.

"I don't want to kill you, just leave!" He yells as he has an internal fight with himself. He then lunges at me and takes a bite out of my shoulder. I shove him off and he continues to fight with himself. He seems to be losing and he fights me until he breaks my Quinque.

His eye pleads for me to leave and I get up to the best of my ability and leave. I wait on a set of stair steps for a while until I get up again and go to the water ways and hear four people inside talking.

I hide out of the way but peek in just enough to see Rabbit, Hinami, someone they call Yomo, and Eyepatch. When they leave I walk in and go over to Mado's body. I can't help the tears that fall from my eyes.

A few days later.

"Amon shouldn't you go home soon?" Akira asks.

"I will when I finish everything here." I open my email and see one from a random email address. I read the subject line and decide to open it.

I hope that I have the right email address. If not please let me know and I will leave you alone. But if this happens to be the right email address then, hi dad. I miss you a lot and I'm going back home tomorrow. I have a phone now so we can keep in touch that way if you want. I hope I get to see you again one day.
Your son Aaron Hotchner

I read the email a few time to make sure I'm reading it right. "Amon you're a father?" She asks and I glance behind me to see her standing there and I nod.

"Yes. I have two sons and a daughter, though only one of my sons is actually mine. My oldest is the one who reaches out to me and my daughter was given to another family. Aaron was sent to a boy's correctional home for his 'attitude'. I left after their mother made me send him there and give my daughter to another family." I sigh and Akira leaves.

I decide to send him an email back so he knows that he got the right email address.

Hey Aaron. It's dad so you did get the right email address. I miss you as well and hope that you can get out of your mother's house soon. I miss you and your sister lot. I would love to keep in touch with you.

I pack up for the night and head home. Eyepatch has been off the radar for quite some time and I feel worried about him for some reason.

I get into my car and drive home when I get a call.

"Amon get back here, we're going to take over the area where Jason has been staying at."

"I'm on my way back Akira."

The line drops and I drive back to the CCG. When I get there I walk back inside. Before I walk into the meeting area I get handed a case with a new Quinque in it.

When the debriefing is over we head out. When we get there I make my way through and fight against a few members of Aogiri Tree.

I see the dome shake and make a run in that direction. Glass starts to fall inside of that area and the door is shut tight. When I get inside I see a white haired ghoul swaying back and forth over Jason's nearly dead body.

He pulls out a centipede from his ear and puts in in Jason's ear before eating him. When he finishes he wipes his mouth before walking away a few steps away before swaying again. I run over to him and catch him as he falls.

I set my Quinque next to me on the ground and I see something poking out of the boys pocket and I grab it. "Eyepatch?" I pick him up along with my Quinque and walk out of the room.

I leave the area quickly and keep him hidden out of view if everyone. When I get out of there I go home and for some reason decide not to turn him in. I lay him on the couch and put a blanket over him. I sigh and send a text to Akira to tell her I headed home after I was injured.

I hate that I did that but decide to log onto my laptop at home and check my email to see another one from Aaron.

This is my number (***) *** - ***. Love you

I smile and put his number into my phone and walk to my bathroom and grab my first aid kit to patch up any of my wounds before closing the first aid and walking out to the living room again.

"Where am I?" Eyepatch asks.

Unexpected loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin