Keeping you at home

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I've been sitting here for 30 minutes and haven't been given information on Amon yet. I see a nurse walking over and he stops in front of me.

"He's going to be fine. He does have a minor concussion and a severely bruised back. We would recommend ice on his back and to keep him away from work until he's properly healed." The nurse says.

"When do you think he could go home?"

"After we finish checking to make sure there isn't anything else." He says and I nod before he walks away.

I go back to my seat and wait until I get the okay to get him checked out of here and back home.

Three hours later

"Where the hell am I?" Amon asks. They've let me sit in his room for the past hour.

"You're in the hospital."

"Kaneki? How did I get here?" He asks.

"I drove you here after Tou.....Rabbit attack you."

"We're you about to tell me her name?" He asks.


"It's okay. When do I leave?" He asks.

"When the doctor gets back and gives the okay."

"I have to get back to work." He says.

"Do you even realize how dim the lights are right now?"

"No? Should I?" He asks.

"Yes Amon. The lights are almost completely off. They were wrong about your concussion. It's a regular ass concussion, but your other injuries are causing your brain's pain nerves to work on overdrive and the light would cause you to try and cover your eyes quickly. The movement would make your pain even worse."

"Oh." Is all he says. "Thank you." He says.

"For what?"

"Getting me here, and defending me." He says and for the first time in a while, I've felt like I've done something good.

"Ya." A while later there's a knock on the door and I place a hand over Amon's eyes.

"What the hell?" He says and goes to fight me but I place my other hand in one of his.

"Calm down, it's just my hand. There's a doctor who's going to open the door to come in. I'm just covering your eyes for a moment."

"Okay." He says.

"Alright, his eyes are covered." The door opens and then shuts quickly.

"Koutarou Amon, do you mind telling me how this happened?" The doctor asks.

"Ghoul attack." Is all Amon says.

"I'm surprised you're not dead." The doctor says and Amon nods. When the doctor leaves Amon goes to try and sit up.

"Amon take it slow." I help him sit up and he nearly collapses into me. "Amon?"

"I'm okay. I'm okay." He says but it sounds like it's more for himself than for me. When we do finally get out of there, I get him into the car with dark sunglasses on.

"No, keep them on."

"Kaneki, I don't need them." He says.

"The hell you don't Amon. Keep them on and don't fight me on this."

"If I must." He says and I pat his head.

"Good." I get in the car and drive back to his house. When we get there I park the car and help him out of the car.

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