A defined relationship and meeting up with Aaron, Emily, and Spencer

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6 years later


"Kaneki, wake up."

"I'm up." He says and opens his eyes and yawns.

"I didn't think you would fall asleep on the plane." He shoves me a bit but I pull him as close as I can with the damn plane seats, set up the way they are.

"It's a long flight. You mean to tell me you've been up this whole time?" He asks and I nod.

"I don't sleep on planes unless I'm dead tired when I get on." We follow everyone else as we grab our bags and get off the at the airport.

"So why did we wait so long to see them in person again?" He asks with a grin and I sigh.

"Work schedules, and my own forgetfulness when it come to asking for time off." I see him nod before grabbing my hand as we grab the last of our luggage and walk out of the airport.

When we get out of the airport a man in his early 30's walks over to us with a phone in his hand and glances at it before looking at us again.

"Are you Amon and Kaneki?" The guy asks and we both nod. "I'm Agent Anderson. I'm here to take you both to SSA Agent Hotchner's house, and then to the office." Anderson says.

"Thank you." He nods and we follow him to a black SUV. He opens the trunk and we set our things in there and close it before getting in the back seat.

"So Anderson, how long have you been working with the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit?" Kaneki asks.

"4 years." Anderson says. The rest of the ride to Aaron's house is full of small talk. When we get there I spot a car in the driveway.

We all get out and Kaneki and I grab our bags from the trunk. Anderson shuts it and walks up to the house and knocks on the door.

The mail slot opens and Anderson bends down and takes out his badge to slip through. When he gets his badge back the door opens.

"Anderson." A woman says as she steps out and I see Anderson smile and kiss her on the cheek.

"Gina. It's them, you can go back to work now." I hear Anderson say and the woman nods and leaves, but whispers something to Anderson first.

He motions for us to come in, but places a finger to his lips. To make sure we go in quietly. We walk in and I look over at the couch to see a small boy sleeping.

We get shown to what looks to be a guest room. As we walk out after setting out bags down. We see Anderson gently waking the boy up.

When the boy wakes up Kaneki starts to chuckle and I look at him confused. "The boy is Aaron and Spencer's son." Kaneki says and the boy looks over at us.

"Who are you?" The boy asks and yawns while rubbing his eyes.

"I'm your Grandfather. My name is Amon and next to me is you Grandpa Kaneki. We're going to be staying here for a few days."

"Okay. My name is Jack." He says and I smile. We stay at the house for a bit longer before we all leave and lock the house.

Anderson drives us to the office and Jack is sitting between Kaneki and I. He and Kaneki talk a bit and Jack is warming up to him quickly.

When we get to the office we all get out of the car and follow Anderson into an elevator. Once it finally stops and opens we walk out and Jack grabs my hand.

"You'll find them in the conference room, just over there." Anderson says and points to a room on the other side of the main area.

"Thank you Anderson." He nods and hands us all visitors badges, before walking to his desk. We walk up a small set of stairs and head over to the room.

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