Relaxing days

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Three days later


Amon and I are watching Jack at Aaron and his team have a case. Jack is asleep in his room and Amon hasn't let me move from our spot on the couch.

"You'll have to let me get up eventually." I only receive a series of small, light kisses on my neck. "Amon!"

"Yes?" Amon asks, like he isn't doing any of this on purpose.

"Stop. I love you, but you're being overly cuddly and lovey dovey." He smiles but holds me tighter against himself.

"Your point is?" He asks and I sigh as I give into it and lean my head against his chest.

"I hate you."

"I love you too." He says and we stay like that until Jack gets up.

"Morning." Jack says and yawns while walking over to sit next to us.

"Morning Jack. Did you sleep well?" He nods and sits next to us.

"When will Dad and Papa be home?" He asks and we both shrug.

"We don't know Jack, but they hopefully won't be to much longer." He nods and I finally get out of Amon's grip.

I stand up and stretch before walking into the kitchen. "Jack what do you want for breakfast?"

"Can you make pancakes?" He asks.

"Sure. Anything else?"

"Bacon?" He asks.

"Sure. Amon is that alright with you, or do you want me to make you something else?"

"It's fine. I'll start some coffee though." Amon says and I start to work on getting them breakfast.

"Jack do you want blueberries or something in your pancakes?"

"Can I have chocolate chips?" Jack asks and Amon laughs a bit.

"Sure you can kiddo. Did you know your Dad and Aunt Emily used to make me but chocolate chips in their pancakes as kids?" Amon says and Jack walks to the dining room table as Amon walks out with a glass of Juice for him and our cups of coffee.

I add the chocolate chips to Jack's pancakes before flipping them as Amon tells Jack story's of what Emily and Aaron did as kids.

"Amon do you want chocolate chips with yours?" I look out at him and Jack to see him look at Jack for an answer. Jack nods and Amon takes a sip of coffee.

"Sure." He says and I go to add some to his pancakes as well before flipping them. When they finish cooking, I put them all on a plate and grave two more for Amon and Jack.

Jack gets up and runs into the kitchen as I walk out and comes back with silverware. I set their plates down and the plate of pancakes, before going back to the kitchen and grabbing the chocolate syrup from the fridge.

As I walk back out I see Jack getting ready to ask a question. I hold up the container and he grins.

After breakfast


Kaneki and Jack sit in the living room and play with Jack's superhero action figures. I finish the dishes and head over to them and sit next to Kaneki.

"How would you like to go to the park today kiddo?" Jack looks up excitedly and gets up and walks over and hugs me tightly.

"Can we?" He asks and I hug him and don't miss Kaneki pulling out his phone and snapping a picture.

"Delete it."

"In your dreams. This is going to Aaron and Spencer." Kaneki says and I roll my eyes. He puts his phone down on the coffee table and Jack walks away from me and goes back to his action figures.

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