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A week later


I open my eyes and immediately shut them again after being blinded by the light. I slowly open my eyes again until I adjust to the light.


"Eyepatch your awake." I hear someone say and I turn a bit. "Calm down, I'll go get Amon." The voice says and then it falls silent again.

Some time passes before a door opens and I see someone walking over quickly. "Hey, are you alright?" It's Amon's voice.

"I'm okay." I try and sit up by my arms shake way to much.

"Hey, what are you thinking? You still need to take it slow and take time to heal." He says and I persistently try and sit up.

Amon gently grabs my arms and I stop. He then grabs my waist and I sit up and lean into him.

"Sorry I grabbed you like that. Your shoulders are still bleeding pretty bad and your arms are too shaky." He says and continues on to try and make me not feel uncomfortable with him helping me up that way.

"Amon, it's okay." He stops talking and we just sit here in silence.

"I'm sorry." He says and I look at him confused.

"What for?"

"You continued to fight to keep me safe. Thus ending up like this." He says and I hug him as tight as I can. Granted it's not that tight, considering my condition, but I try.

He returns my hug and I feel the sudden urge to just cry. It's not surprising since he's been nothing but nice and isn't pushing me away.

"Thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?" He asks and I feel his gaze on me but I don't meet his.

"You're the first person to make me feel normal since my surgery. You never turned me away once you knew. My friend Hide doesn't know because if he did he most likely would turn me away."

"Hide? You mean our mail boy?" He asks and I nod. "I...I'm sorry that you think he won't accept you. And I'm glad I can make you feel normal." He says and I hear the door open again.

"Amon, they're willing to cut him a pass if he agrees to work with us." I hear someone say.

"If he doesn't?" Amon asks.

"He'll be sent to Cochlea." The voice says and I feel Amon's grip around me tighten a bit.

"I'll do it."

"Are you sure?" Amon asks.

"If I don't I get sent to Cochlea. I could hold my own if I had to, but I also would never be able to visit my mom's grave again on her birthday each year."

"We're going to need your name then." The voice says.

"Ken Kaneki."

"Thank you." They say and leave.

"Kaneki. When we get home we're going to have to call Aaron, Emily, and Spencer. They called the night we got you here to ask how things were and immediately knew something happened. They're worried about you." Amon says and I nod.

At home


I decide to grab my laptop and facetime them all so that it's easier on us all. Kaneki is leaning heavily against me and has long since rested his head on my shoulder. I rested my head upon his own and hit the call button.

It rang for a while before it was answered and we both hear shouting in the background.

"Sorry, sorry. The seems to have gotten into an argument again. Give me a moment dad." Aaron says and leaves the area he was in to go and try to stop the argument. When he gets back Emily and Spencer are with him.

"Is everything okay over there?" Kaneki asks and I hear Spencer nearly burst into tears at the sound of his voice. They turn something around so we can see them. Kaneki gives a small wave and a smile.

"You're okay!" Spencer says and Kaneki nods slightly.

"I've gone through worse, if you can believe it." Kaneki says and then coughs a bit.

"Kaneki, are you alright?" He just nods again and leans into me more.

"Soooooo, you're the guy that had us all flipping out about. How did you survive? You physically shouldn't have." Emily says.

"Em!" Aaron says and Kaneki chuckles.

"It's okay Aaron." Kaneki says and they look at us confused. It takes me a moment to understand why he said that since it's not.


"I haven't even done or said anything yet." He says.

"I don't care, the answer is no. Not until you're fully healed."

"What are you two talking about?" Emily asks.

"It's not important at the moment."

"Amon!" Kaneki says but it's more of a tired whine.

"Kaneki. You are in no condition. Maybe when you're better, we can meet up with them and explain/ show them. But as of now, it's not happening."

He sighs and nods before I feel his arms wrap around me. I lift my head off his and turn to look at him.

"We should go. It was nice talking to you sir, tell Kaneki the same for me." Spencer says and I glance back at the screen and smile.

"It was nice talking to you as well Spencer, and I will. Also there is no need to call me sir, you can just call me Amon."

"Right." He says and I laugh a bit, as I think of a way to fluster Aaron and him.

"Or if you want, you can call me dad. Considering your relationship with my son. Speaking of my kids. I love you both, keep each other safe like you did in the past. Also if any one of you three get hurt during a case and nobody tells me, I swear to god, that wince I find out, the only reason you die will be at my hand."

"Got it dad. Also you broke Spencer and Aaron has walked to the other side of the room to reboot off camera. But they got the message. Also Aaron and I love you as well. Good luck with your relationship, and we hope to see you both soon." Emily says and then waves before the call ends.

I shut my laptop and then hug Kaneki close to myself as I drift off to sleep with him in my arms.

A month and two weeks later

The process of us cuddling on the couch has since become routine. We've had Akira come over for dinner a few times and she's gotten used to Kaneki eating flesh.

Though he cooks it and covers on is seasonings that he can still eat, that also mask the smell. Thus making dinner easier on her.

He starts work with us in a week, but I can see the nervousness in his eyes as the day draws near. Tonight it's just us and we're both cuddling on the couch.


"Huh?" Kaneki says and looks at me.

"Are you worried about working at the CCG?"

"A bit." He says.

"You'll be okay. Akira and I will be with you every step of the way." He nods and I smile a bit as we sit there in silence without a care in the world at the moment.

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