💖 Oodle x TIME TRAVEL!Reader 💖

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[ 🫧 Requested by @dumb_phrog ! This prompt was truly creative! This isn't so much as 'time traveling', more as to ... being able to travel to alternative realities, rather. And sorry, I started writing midway and disregarded the "crackhead" part in the request.., so the reader in the story is a stern reality hopper. I hope that's alright..! ]


You showed up in-
Oh. This isn't Yoylecity.
Where are you?

You looked around, but it was all the same thing, the same iconic color. Where was the floor? Are people here? How long will it take for the reality-jumping device to recharge itself?

Whilst looking around, you saw some objects in the distance. A lot of them! You felt some relief flow through you as you started to walk towards them all, but you were stopped by a computer.

"Hello! ... I'm afraid to say that you cannot proceed. This is the place where a show is happenin-"
You zap him with a tazer.
His screen went black. ...Too sudden? No, you needed to get to the right destination, you didn't need anybody to get in your way.

You walked past the shut down computer and sooner or later the large goup of objects noticed you. Their conversations and rambles stopped as they stared. They all seemed intimidated by your gear and futuristic outfit.

(You, the object/reader, can choose whatever you're wearing, if your sona wears clothes or not. If not, then they're wearing a belt with gadets attached to it.)

You scanned the expressions of them all, scrambling mentally to find something to start off with...
Until you notice that one person kept enjoying their conversation, talking like some comedian.

"And THEN I said-!"
He slowly faded his dialogue, turning around.
"Hheey, wh... why did everyone stop tal-..." He looks at you, looking confuzzled.

"Uh... Hi. Listen, the computer warned me to not 'proceed.' But, this is urgent. I'm kind of stuck here due to an overjump... I was trying to get to Yoylecity, but there was a simple... miscalculation."


Had no damn clue what you were saying.

"Stuck here? That doesn't sound good!" The triangle scrunkly approached you. Everyone else seems pretty relaxed, now that they know they don't have to help this intimidating newcomer. Oodle seems to be handling it. Everyone scattered off, getting back into their conversations.

"Yeah... my remote got its energy fried when I traveled here. There's barely anymore juice left in the thing."

"A remote? Let me see!" He stretched his arm, disturbingly, to grab the remote from your left hand. He retracted his arm back and looked at it.

You looked disgusted.

"...What are you?"

"Vegetarian!" He said without losing his gaze at the remote.

You roll your eyes.
"I've never seen a remote like this before! Does it connect to a TV?"
"No. We use them to travel to different realities." You take the remote back, quickly, and step away a bit. This guy is...weird. Is he even an object?

"Oh... well, I sure can't help. Not with fixing that, that is. But! I can just bring you to your reality myself!"
He beamed at you. This seems like the most eventful thing that he's ever been a part in all day.

"Yourself? How? You said you don't have a-"
"With magiiicc, silly!" He interrupted.

You scoffed, rolling your eyes again.
"Magic isn't real."
"Oh reaaallyyy~?" He questioned, before snapping his fingers and transporting you to your correct reality.
The future, different location; Yoylecity.

"Wh-... d...did my remote recharge that quickly? O-or-"
"Nope! That was magic!"
"...crackhead." You rolled your eyes, the third time today.
   "Are you some computer chip, or something?" You stroked the bottom of your chin, analyzing the triangle, who was now staring into the futuristic setting. His jaw dropped when he saw fluing cars zoom above him.


He just titled his head towards you, not paying attention to you whatsoever.

   "HEY!" You made a loud clap with your hands, it made him jump.
   "I asked you a question!! Now, I'm curious. What are you?" You put your hands on your hips and squinted.

"Oh...I'm Oodle the Doodle! I'm pretty sensational around were we previously were!"
   "Huh... a doodle. That has 'magic.'"

You honestly could't believe it. But you had no choice BUT to...

"That's right!"
He looked up at the cars again, they were stopped at a floating stoplight now.
"What are you?" He had his gaze fixed upwards.

   "I'm a(n) [object]... I've been hired as a reality hopper, basically. Please call me [object name/nickname]. It simply suits me better."

"[O/N] it is, then!"

You eventually joined his gaze, looking at the flying cars as they started moving again.
   "You like the cars, huh?"
"Yeah... What year are you living in?"
"Wow... It's good to know that society never crumbled!"
   "Yeah, heheh."

   "Welp, thanks." You started to walk away, pretty coldly. Oodle seemed like a potential friend...
And he knew that! He looked at you as you walked away, frowning.

"That's it...?"
You turned around, already at the other side of the road on the ground.
   "Yeah, you offered to bring me back, and you did. Thanks, Oodle."
"No time to chat?"
"I don't like wasting time."
"It's not just wasting time! It's filling time in! Entertainment! It shares interests!"

You kept walking, as he followed you, rambling on.

"I thought we could've been friends at least!!"

You stopped, and turned to look at him. He looked angry, it honestly looked adorable when he looked grumpy. It made you smirk, for once.

"Friends? I believe in acquaintances."
His expression shifted to sadness.
And you actually noticed, as you small smie faded.

[ To be continued! This is part 1! I assure you that part 2 will be published tomorrow! ^^ 🫧 ]

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