MePad x Toilet (ANGST TEST.) pt TWO

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"Quiet, you." She put her hand over Toilet's mouth firmly.





Toilet kept trying to gasp for air, grasping onto her hand, trying to push it away. He was weak... too weak to defend himself to this deranged woman. He began to give up, and lose contact with the world—slowly.

"Sshhhh. Just go to sleep, idiotic seat." She shouldn't waste her good insults on a person she found not worthy of smart words.

She was flunged away.

He'd use a fold-up chair to bash her left side away from Toilet. His body had overdone it and overflowed with shocking strength. The accidental spike and haywire was thanked heavily.

Toilet was unconscious. He leaned against the wall, lacking too much energy to be alive.

"How advanced are yo-"

He marched up to the girl, who was briskly attempting to get up. He interrupted her chance to gain dominance by stabbing the chair's leg to her neck.
She held onto the chair with both of her hands, keeping it an inch away from her demise.
His unpredictable jolts of electricity and signals made it harder to keep focus and strength. He started to breath heavier and let his bottled-up aggressiveness release to focus and control his strength.

She stood no chance.

The girl suffered that night, feeling pain from the least-expected person to cause it. She ran off, into the woods with a thread to keep her alive.

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