💖 Oodle x TIME TRAVEL!Reader 💖 pt. 2

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[ 🫧 mmm trust issues ✌️😁 ]

You looked at him, he looked sad that he took time out of his day to help you back into your reality, and gained nothing from it. For once, you felt sorrow for this triangle.

   "Wh... What's so good about friends anyway?"

He looked up, giving a... "You actually asked-... ARE YOU SHIT'N ME?" Look.

He sighed. "Friends are people who HELP you, LIKE I DID! People who want to be there for you, LIKE ME! You really don't see ANY possibility that we could... I don't know... Hang out? Even for a little bit?"

You paused for a moment.

This doodle wants to be your friend. This freak, a magical creature you had just met TODAY, such a crackhead. Yet, he wants to be friends.

Wait. No, no no... this has got to be some trick. For some being who has strange magical powers, he probably wants more power. Futuristic technology.

You furrowed you brows, slowly reaching down to grab your taser from your belt. He looked confused.

"You're the only other person I've met who isn't 'normal'!"
That made you stop reaching down to the taser.

   "...I'm not normal?"

"Well, not where we just were. Those objects are normal. But WE aren't! We should stick together, or at least keep contact...!"

"But you're still not convinced." He turned and opened a portal on the sidewalk.

   "So where do we go to hang out?"


The portal closed.


"Wait, REALLY?!" He immediately turned around, exactly 180 degrees and BEAMED with happiness.

   "I have a few minutes."
   "Do you like pizza?"
"YES!" He was stimming from excitement.

   "Nice. Follow me."
You started to walk to a very nearby pizza place. It was right around the corner. Oodle was skipping and doing ballet down the sidewalk. Which earned a view glances from nearby objects.

   "Can you walk normally?"

You sigh.
You both enter the pizza place. Oodle stops walking(or whatever you call skipping and prancing down the street like a cartoon) and looked around.

"Wow... It's been EONS since I've been in one of these places!"

You placed an order on the tablet. This place wasn't so futuristic as most people would think... the owners wanted to keep it classy, no matter what year it was.
You ordered [prefered pizza] with [prefered topping] covering one half, and veggies covering the other half.

Now you just wait.

You were now sitting at a booth. Oodle was barely tall enough. When he sat down, all you could see was his eyes, poking out from over the table. It made you giggle a bit.

   "... comfy?"

You grabbed a napkin, and clicked a pen that was attached to your belt. You started to draw on the napkin.

"Oohh~! What'cha drawing?"
He lifted himself over the table, holding himself up with his hands. He obnoxiously got close and personal to your drawing.

   "Personal space, please."
He backed away, but only by an inch or two.
   "Thank you. I just like to draw when I wait for things. It helps feed the mind."

"Can I draw something?"



   "Don't give me that look."





The pizza arrived to your table. Oodle quickly grabbed a slice, gave it a big whiff, then took a bite. His eyes glimmered.
"It's so good... 😭"


   You straight up laughed, not giggled, you laughed, genuinely. It made Oodle smile BIG.




Well, you two ate your pizza. Talking and making each other laugh. But, eventually it was time to leave, and part ways. This felt weird. Weren't you going to ditch him just a few hours ago? Is he just oddly charming? Man...

You were just then exiting the pizza place. Oodle seemed sad that his time was over. He dragged his feet out, dramatically.
   "Hah- hey Oodle?"

You handed him a sticky-note.
   "I don't know if you have a phone or not. But I know you have a computer. And you were in... 2020, something. So..."
You gave him your email.

He nearly shat himself

You made a girly squeal and hugged you, tightly! Tight. Oh God, too tight- Oodle-

   "No hugs."

"Too bad."

[ sorry if Oodle seemed OOC in this. He seemed more like sundrop ngl. BUT HEY!! It's part twooo! The end. ^^
I really liked writing this. Thank you for the request! 🫧]

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