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Toni removed the leaves off of the wooden planks as fast as she could. Her breath was heavy and she felt her heart strike and pump harshly in her chest. Once she could see the small light shining through the silver in between the planks, a part of her wanted to leave. To forget what she had just stumbled upon. She didn't want to believe the truth, even though she knew it was real. This stupid fucking experiment, right when Toni actually thought that the crash could have been, quote in quote, "Meant to be".

She knew how pathetic she sounded, She could have been naive, love sick, angry, sad, or all. She felt irritated and aggravated, and in order to feel somewhat satisfied she knew she had to look inside of whatever was below her.

Toni scowled once she saw that there was a lock, but with all of her built up anger she was able to use her fists and break the wood. Her strength hadn't even surprised her, and the splinters in her knuckles didn't annoy her. She was used to breaking things.

Toni jumped down onto the floor, and fell once she realized that the drop was much more than she anticipated. She looked up and saw an old timey boom box, and a microphone next to it. She could hear low music, there was a desk. But unlike in the bunker, this place looked like it was used. It looked like people were in it just an hour ago. She knew immediately to tell the group. She turned around and nearly ran into the wall.

There were no stairs.

There was no ladder.

Only the night sky.

"What the fuck," Toni said under her breath, turning around looking at the empty desk.

"Hello?" Toni looked around the room. Even though it was a small bunker and she could see every inch of it, she felt it necessary to just double check if anyone was in there.

Once no one answered Toni started to get anxious. She looked up and saw stars, "HELP!!!" She screamed. "HELLO!?"

10 minutes passed off Toni screaming. She then ran to the radio player and turned the dvd up. Music blasted, but she must have been a mile or two away from camp. The odds of anyone hearing her was slim.

Martha and Dot decided that Toni would be in the bunker, so that's exactly where they checked. "Lets split up," Dot said, "We will be able to expand the search space. This bunker is massive."

"No," Martha said, "Don't leave me in the dark." Martha didn't want to be let alone after what happened. Dot immediately understood and nodded. "Lets check her room,"

Back at the group, some decided that it was time to go to sleep. "Okay as much as I love getting to know y'all, I think it's best we get some rest." Shelby announced to the group.

"Good call," Henry spoke, "An immense amount of information can cause potency of sleep deprivation. We should try to stay on a routine."

"Shouldn't we have someone out to like... look around like one of those russian spies? Night duty like we did back at the other hell hole?" Fatin chimed in.

"You guys had Night Duty?" Scotty laughed and put his hand over his mouth, then looked back at the boys. "We all just fucking passed out then woke eachother up."

"Well we do things organized here," Leah said in a harsh tone.

Scotty looked at her with confusement, and Raf did the same. Raf mouthed something to her that Leah couldn't quite read. He seemed concerned, but the overflow of emotions that Leah held didn't make it possible for Leah to explain herself. Leah sighed heavily and let her head drop. The island itself wasn't even on her mind, all it was was Fatin. Memories of the moment playing in her head like it's on a loop on a one song spotify playlist. A never ending cycle of euphoric feelings. Although, Leah felt uncomfortable with them. It took her a little to accept her sexuality, she had told her parents who were supportive, but when she met Jeff she started to question it. Of course she was just totally obsessed with him, and being with Fatin made her sure that she definitely liked girls. Leah usually felt like she was on cloud nine with Fatin, but after kissing her things felt off. It wasn't that she didn't like it, because she did. She really, really liked it. She was scared that Fatin didn't like it. After all, it is the Fatin Jadmani we're talking about here. The girl with an astonishing taste in fashion and has every guy humping her leg like a fucking chihuahua. She felt stupid, stupid for liking Fatin. It isn't like Fatin liked her back, right? I mean, Fatin probably has fucked every guy in the east bay, so what made Leah important?

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