Prologue: New prisoner

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I sat outside a prison cell. Some of the other guards brought in this new prisoner, a young woman.

Her hair was in a ponytail, and was a reddish brown color. she wore a sleeveless red jacket, black short-sleeved undershirt, black fingerless gloves, blue pants, and brown boots.

She had the face of an angel, that was for sure.

I myself wasn't too shabby, white short-sleeved shirt, blue pants, black boots, black fingerless gloves, and short black hair. I'm hispanic, and am often called a ladies man, but I never had a girlfriend, why was that not surprising?

I decided I'd engage in conversation with her.

"so, my name's Rodrigo Juan Raval, what's yours?" I asked kindly.

She turned to me with a scowl, "why do you care?" she retorted.

I actually didn't blame her for not trusting me, after Raccoon City, anyone who was associated with Umbrella was considered untrustworthy, but not all were bad.

There was Lucy Higgens, a researcher who was apparently present during the outbreak in Raccoon City.

She openly denounced Umbrella, to which the corporation placed out a bounty on her, which wasn't effective, given they didn't even know where she was now.

"Unlike what you may think, not all of us are...well, what you think we are." I replied.

She raised a brow, "really? Then what do you call yourself, a saint?" she asked sharply.

This girl had attitude, I got to give her that.

Of course, that only turns me on even more. Wait, what? No, Rodrigo, get your mind out of the gutter man.

I shook my head a bit.

"No, but I wouldn't call me evil." I replied.

After that, I gave up on trying to talk to her, she didn't seem like she was really listening to me anyway.

After that, I walked away from the cell, and took several turns down the next couple of halls, until a large explosion aboveground shook the facility.

The lights flickered, but stayed on, but then I heard screaming coming from the cell to the far left, and I rushed over there.

The roof was caved in, and the prisoner who was in their was on the ground with one of the other guards on top of him, and he was...ripping a part out of his neck.

The guy looked up at me, I took out my gun and raised it.

"Hey man, stay the hell back." I said, but the guy got up and started coming towards me.

"I said stay back." I said with more authority, but then he lunged at me.

Thankfully my hand-to-hand combat wasn't to shabby, and I pushed him hard into the wall behind me, smashing his head in during the process.

His body fell to the floor, and I just stood there in confusion, and admittedly, fear.

What the hell was going on?

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