Chapter IV: Searching the Mansion

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Claire wished for a different scenario, but no, once again she was facing zombies and other BOWs, but thankfully Steve was still with her, unlike where she was constantly separated from Leon during the outbreak in Raccoon.

She just hoped that when she and Steve got to some type of control room to send out a request for aid to the BSAA, that Chris would get there soon.

He had to be looking, she could just feel it. She couldn't explain that, sibling bond type of thing?

She shot down another two zombies, before they came to another door.

"It's unlocked."

Steve pushed it open, and they went in to search the room. They came across a larger door earlier, it required these missing puzzle pieces to be found and placed on it.

As if they didn't have enough to deal with.

Steve looked through the drawers, while Claire looked in flower vases, the bookshelf, and everywhere else.

"I got one!" She exclaimed.

She removed the puzzle piece from one book on the shelf after finding the book seemed to only be closed due to the books behind and in front of it.

Judging from it, it was going to be a person.

Steve shook his head.

"Nothing here."

They found one before they got here, leaving three, now this would leave two.

"What about the garden and closet we passed a little ways back?"

Steve nodded in agreement.

"Haven't searched them yet, but anything works, let's go."

She nodded, and they left the room. Claire went to check the closet, and Steve the garden.

Approaching the closet, she opened it to be met by a zombie, which she quickly pushed to the floor and shot in the head.

She then looked inside. Dresses, suits, other crap. Fancy clothes, rich people lived here, possibly still do, but oh well.

Eventually she came across a formal suit with...a puzzle piece on it, and removed it from the suit. She then put it away.

She rushed to get to Steve in the garden. Hearing gunshots.

She entered the garden to see Steve shooting at a tyrant slowly coming his way, he had the last piece in his left hand.

"Steve I've got the other one, let's go!"

Steve looked back to her and nodded, firing off a couple more rounds before rushing to her and they ran back inside to get back to the door before the tyrant got to them.

Reaching the door, Claire placed one piece, then the one she found after that.

Steve placed the last piece, it looked like, an image of a blonde girl, she looked pretty, and wore mostly purple.

The tyrant's footsteps were heard, it was getting close.

The door was unlocking very slowly.

"Come on you piece of...we don't have all day." Steve said impatiently.

Claire looked behind them, seeing the tyrant closing in.

"Shit, come on."

The door locked clicked, signaling it could be opened now. Claire and Steve quickly pushed it open and rushed into the next room, closing the door behind them, the tyrant's figure disappearing.

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