Chapter I: Escaping Lockdown

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It had been...she didn't know how long, but she didn't care, she just wanted to get out of here.

Claire had been investigating a lab in Paris, but Umbrella had found this out, and thus had taken her to a remote island, and imprisoned her there.

There was another man, Steve Burnside. Unfortunately, they both tried to escape yesterday, and had made good progress, until Dr. Isaacs caught them with a large group of Umbrella operatives.

Isaacs had taken Steve away, but put Claire back into her cell.

She just sat there, feeling guilt about Steve, and about trying to do anything.

She hoped Chris would come, he would be looking for her, no doubt.

That guy, Rodrigo, Claire wanted to hate him like she did all these Umbrella pigs, but something about him seemed, different.

He didn't seem liked he wanted information, he seemed like he was genuinely interested in talking to her, almost as if...never mind that.

Before Claire could continue her thought, a guard opened her cell.

"Dr. Isaacs needs you in his office. He has something to show you." The guard said.

Claire was about to give an angry response, when a bullet pierced through the guard's heart, and the guard collapsed to the floor.

Claire looked back up, but she saw no one. She got up from the bed, and left the cell. She looked to each side of the halls, seeing dead guards all around.

She picked up two machine guns, and decided to search this facility and find Steve. However, a note left on the wall nearby said:

Don't even try searching this place for your friend Burnside, he is being held in the mansion nearby. Dr. Isaacs plans on testing some new virus on him, so I'd suggest you move swiftly. I won't bother with introductions right now, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

P.S: meet me in the lobby of the mansion, where you'll find a picture of a man named Alexander Ashford is located.

Signed, the lady in red

Claire took all this in, mansion? New virus? Alexander Ashford? Lady in red? None of it rang a bell.

"I owe this person one, whoever she may be."

Upon leaving, she came across that guard named Rodrigo, who had proceeded to save her from a group of zombies.

He was a bit injured, so she found some medical supplies and gave him aid, after which she left him to his own, as she quickly made an exit from the facility afterwards.

She walked outside, slowly venturing through the yards. Odd, where were the guards?

She continued on anyway, keeping an eye out for any threats. She turned a corner near a graveyard, shooting down a group of undead people.

This really reminded her of Raccoon City, and that wasn't a good sign. She turned around to continue, before she saw a zombified dog, a doberman, coming her way.

A shot rang out though, and the doberman was hit in the head, and it fell. She raised her gun to the roof of the small building, seeing a familiar figure up there.

Blue sleeveless jacket, white undershirt, camo pants, and black boots. That short orange hair so distinct, as well as that cute face.

"Steve!" Claire said happily, lowering her guns, and Steve jumped down and approached her.

"Well, is that any way to greet your boyfriend?" he said comically.

"Yeah, don't push your luck." Claire replied, sternly, but with a slight grin.

Steve nodded, "alright, you got me. any idea what is going on and how it happened?" he asked her.

Claire shook her head, "no. If I had to guess, someone unleashed a virus, whatever it may be. It has to be something similar to Raccoon City, but not near as bad." she replied.

Steve seemed conflicted on that idea, but nodded anyway.

"Well, for now let's get going. If we can get to that mansion on the other side of that bridge..." Steve points to the bridge in the distance, "then we can find some way off this rock. You in?" he asked with a smile.

Claire grinned, "do I really have a choice?" she asked back, "nope." he replied. Claire chuckled, "hey, don't forget, I am the one with the weapons here." she replied.

Steve threw his hands up in comic defeat, "hey, you made your point, I got it." he said.

Claire shook her head in comic annoyance but maintained a smile, "ok, then let's go.".

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