Chapter III: The Games We Play

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Alfred tapped his fingers nervously on his desk.

He wasn't sure what to do, he was bored to death, almost literally, but not much to do.

He missed his sister, she always did make things entertaining.

Perhaps they had been very different in personality, Alfred was more of a loner, quiet, a misfit and cold to any outsiders. Alexia meanwhile was endlessly kind, more outgoing, usually always followed rules unless she deemed it unnecessary, and was more than friendly.

Despite this, Alfred and Alexia had been very close. They had also been close to their mother, whom passed away due to illness.

The same could not be said for their father Alexander, Alexia had been fine with him, she had tolerated him mainly because he was their father, but Alfred hated the man to his core.

Alexander had been fine actually, until mother's death, then their relationship went down the drain. After that he spent all his time and attention on his work with Umbrella, barely sparing them even a glance.

Then came Alexia's death. Or rather, her murder at their father's hands.

Alexia had developed what she called the T-Veronica virus, named after the family matriarch Veronica Ashford.

Alfred had been happy for her, originally she created it to help with mother's illness. The initial version had delayed her passing, but hadn't prevented it, much to Alexia's great disappointment.

So she kept altering it to try perfecting it.

Then that damn Isaacs had to come in and screw everything up.

He'd convinced father to kill Alexia so that the two of them could continue studying and perfecting the virus, as well as change its use for 'cleansing an imperfect world'.

Alexander subsequently had Alexia killed by one of his personal bodyguards, while Alfred had ran away after learning of her death.

He blamed himself, he should have tried to protect his beloved and pure hearted sister, but no, he was a coward, and so now she was dead.

Alfred went mad when he returned, and began doing tests of the virus. Eventually testing one version on his father, taking revenge for Alexia's murder.

She used to sing to him every night before they went to sleep. Her voice was beautiful, perfect.

Alfred used to tease that she'd become a famed opera singer, but she'd always playfully swat him on the shoulder, saying she wanted to be a scientist, not a singer.

Now nothing, empty days, empty nights. Without her, nothing around here had any meaning anymore.

Looking at a picture of her and him on his desk, he smiled sadly.

"Oh forgive me sister, I failed you. Some brother I am. I was unworthy to have such a pure sister as you."

Then he looked up, and saw...long purple dress, white dress gloves, and a black lace necklace with an orange pendant, and dark grey heel boots. The long blonde hair also too distinct to forget, only, she looked older.

"My dear Alfred, why do you trouble yourself? You must remain strong and determined if you're to have your revenge."

He again smiled sadly, nodding this time.

"I do your will, dear Alexia."

She quickly took a seat in the chair across from his desk. He turned to look at the camera monitors.

He saw movement, stumbling bodies walking around and other...abominations.

Hm, it seems the T-Veronica virus is loose here now, not surprising actually, the Umbrella scientists aren't known for being able to keep such things contained, they are rather stupid imbeciles.

Then gunshots, and a few zombies fell. That revealed a girl in a red jacket, and a boy in blue.

That must be the Redfield girl they brought here recently, seems trouble always finds her. Then that Burnside boy, the son of one of those scientists.

He frowned at the sight.

He didn't trust these two. Of course he didn't trust Umbrella either but at least they knew to leave him alone, these two though, were clearly oblivious to his isolated bliss.


Alexia looked at him with an unimpressed look at first, but it turned to a smile, though it seemed a bit forced if he was being honest.

"Alfie, why don't you come over here and play chess with me?"

Her tone kind as always.

Alfred managed a smile again, though barely genuine. She gestured to the chess board on the table behind her at the window.

"It could not hurt sister, I am feeling...happier, since you've returned."

His attention turned back to the cameras though, as Claire and Steve went through a door, one that would lead further into the mansion.

"Ugh, no, I cannot have these evil creatures here."

Alexia looked at him with an unreadable expression at first, though it turned to a dark grin.

"Do not worry my dear Alfred, I have quite, planned for our guests."

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