Chapter VII: The Flaw of Albert Wesker

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Chris had left the large chopper he brought with him in the hangar, and was now searching the mansion.

He left Leon and Elizabeth in charge overseeing the mission in Madrid. Confident they would be fine without him.

Claire was on the island, he'd gotten the distress signal an hour ago. No telling how she was doing, but he was optimistic.

"Claire is a big girl Chris, she can handle herself."

Those had been Elizabeth's words. Despite how true they may be, he was a protective older brother, so it didn't reassure him much.

Umbrella was present here, but so was the now insane Alfred Ashford, so no chances.

He hoped maybe Alfred wouldn't hurt Claire, at least just imprison her in the mansion, he could live with that, knowing she's alive and well so he can rescue her.

He'd almost died of shock when she revealed, during their mission in Paris, that she'd gone back to Raccoon City during the outbreak there looking for him.

Granted she didn't know he'd left the city, and had also been unaware of the outbreak at the time until she got there.

Still, that had stopped his heart for a while. Then he'd felt guilty.

Guilty about not letting her know, about not braving his fears and and confessing his homosexuality to her.

Which she had already known about, again, she'd met his first boyfriend, but he hadn't told her.

More like she walked in on them cuddling and making out, and Chris almost had a heart attack trying to explain it.

Claire had been perfectly accepting and pretty chill about it though, even joking that it was better that he was gay. Though then she threatened his boyfriend's life and held a very dark smile while doing so. Damn, to be the younger sister, she could be scary as shit.

Safe to say his boyfriend didn't stay with him too long after that, they broke up only a week later, his boyfriend saying Chris was 'too clingy', which really wasn't true.

Claire almost went on a murder spree, though Elizabeth had kept her tame, somehow.

But Elizabeth called the now ex-boyfriend and threatened him in so many...gruesome, ways, if she ever saw him again. Claire had agreed she'd restrain herself, unless she saw him, which Elizabeth agreed with.

Chris chuckled at the memories, everything was kinda simpler then, but now it was more complicated.

Life was more complicated because of Umbrella.

Here he was, walking through the Ashford mansion, trying to avoid zombies and bioweapons, and trying to find Claire. Yeah, life was much more complicated than it used to be.

Then again, isn't everything?

Shaking out of thought, he continued through the halls carefully. He could hear doors opening and closing somewhere, so someone else was here, or it was just zombies moving through the mansion.

He had taken down a couple zombies and a hunter by this point, but not much trouble other than that.

Then he found a door ahead. Checking it, unlocked. He pushed it open slowly, keeping his pistol up in case. As it opened, columns ahead, a larger room.

He moved through the doorway, shutting the door behind him. Then moved quickly down the hall.

He reached a column and took cover behind it. Then he looked around from it.

The hell was Wesker doing here?

That traitor is the reason why most of S.T.A.R.S is gone. The only surviving members of his team being himself, Jill, Elizabeth, Barry, Rebecca, and also Richard Aiken, the latter only surviving simply because he hadn't been called in for work that day, but still.

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