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Last night, 5 men snuck into my house.
Hired guns.
They didn't walk out.

At the same time, across town,
3 men snuck into my parents house.
They too didn't walk out.

A leader must have keen FORESIGHT.
This quality literally saves lives.

If you can't see what's coming, you don't know where you're going.

You're either blind with eyes that can see.
Or sightful with eyes that look about blindly.
Or eyes that are free.

The first is the better quality.
I said in the previous episode enemies are better dealt with quietly.

HE was my 2nd in command.
So obviously he learned from me.
A sneak attack in the dark of the night is right up my alley.

I taught him well.

I've been a teacher all my life.
Because I learn things quickly.
I have an appetite for knowledge & applied knowledge & experience that's extreme.

This helped made me a good teacher, I think.

A better teacher challenges new knowledge.
Twists it about;
folds it, unfolds it & refolds it.
Takes it apart & reassembles it.

And when it passes the test uses that new knowledge and takes it to the next step.

Everything you've learned is to be used to take you to the next step.
The difference between a good teacher & a great one is the contentment of the good to merely learn new knowledge.

You teach them;
they understand it.
And for them that's the end of it.

The GOOD accepts what's new.
The GREAT creates what's new.


7 were dug last night.
One was kept alive.
For he had a part to play;
questions about who sent him.

It was 3am.
Red was in my arms snoring.
I was reading.

I got a text message.
"They're here."

A serious situation is happening.
But I'm still bed, reading, smiling;
telling my lieutenant "Let them come.
Don't stop them."

Foresight— it's VERY IMPORTANT.

To be continued..........

Season 14Where stories live. Discover now