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I went to Chinatown yesterday;
to see an old friend.
Though he's always considered me an ENEMY OF THE STATE.
Ha ha ha.

I've been gone so many years;
faces change;
I don't know who is who!
But my guard is always up;
especially in these times, you know?

I said I'm here to see Mr. Wu.

He told me "Wu not see anyone today."

That was his first mistake;
and my first CLUE.

As I've said, my memory is SO-SO.
But I haven't been gone THAT LONG to FORGET that NOBODY, not even ME,
calls MR. WU, just "Wu."😒

You will lose your damn hand for that!!
I wouldn't.
The other bosses wouldn't.
But anyone lesser certainly would.
If the other bosses did it,
MR. WU would consider it an INSULT!

This was my clue.
This person doesn't work for MR. WU.

The Chinese are unpredictable,
I can count on one hand the number of them I trust, as much as I trust any other person.

I NEVER go to Chinatown without the Gemini.
The Chinese are TOO MANY.
Shit, they probably fuck more than I do.😁

They're like the Thais too;
smaller in stature;
but when a MILLION OF THEM gang up on you, you're in for a world of hurt.

I left his office and went back to my SUV.
She said to me: "Everything good, Boss?"

"No. I don't think so."

The 4 grabbed their weapons.
Safety's off.
But I said wait a minute.
Let's not shoot up Chinatown.😏

I walked back to the office.
He saw me coming.
I could see he's packing;
hand over his weapon.

I said, "Give this note to Mr. Wu.
Tell him I stopped by."

He said "Who are you?"

"My name's on the note."

It's funny how important a name is.
We're each given one at birth but it means nothing until you make it.

He looked at the note,
saw my name,
& his eyes expanded.

The fool didn't notice the RED DOT on him.
And made his final mistake of reaching for his weapon.

A mere unimportant name:
just to look upon it, for some, it's LIFE ENDING.

He fell into my hand.
And I said "Shhh, shhh.
Go with God."

I quietly walked in,
the Gemini on my heel.
I heard some shouting.
I directed them to flank them.

I saw Mr. Wu being held face down.


They instantly turned around and said
"Who the fuck are you?!"

I said I'm the Janitor.
Here to take out the trash.

Mr. Wu looked up & began laughing!
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

The one in charge was sitting on a chair,
his legs crossed.
He said "What's so funny OLD MAN?"
Mr. Wu said "ASK HIS NAME."

One of his men, grabbed & pushed me toward his chair.
I looked at him.
Like Sanchez, he too looked familiar.

"I said I know your face."

Mr. Wu said "Of course you do.
That's my SON!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha
Holy SHIT!
Your SON!
What the FUCK!"

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