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I took a drive to the Latin Barrio last night.
All alone.

Last time I was there El Jefe, in no uncertain terms, vowed to kill me ever I should return.

I was 21.

Some men have a depth of presence that attracts women of all denominations.
Wherever he goes the women come close & gather around.

El Jefe's daughter & his wife came close.
This nearly cost me my life.

In the Barrio, they take their time killing you.
They first torture you.
Then put you in oil drums,
pour a SPECIAL LIQUID on to you which dissolves & liquefies you.

"This is your fate, should you ever return to my kingdom," warned el Jefe.

It's been over 20 years since that warning.

I got out of my car.
His men grew restless & curious;
trying their best to decipher who I was.

I heard a voice:
"Wrong part of town, PUTA!"

I walked to his storefront—
he's been doing his illicit business there for 30 years.
He's so powerful & in control of everything he doesn't even PRETEND to change anything.
The Barrio is HIS.
Fucking cops can't even touch him!
In a way, he's a politician.

I recognized a face.
Last time I saw him he wasn't more than 10 years.
My memory can be so-so;
how the fuck did I remember him,
I don't know.

But his face was familiar.
I called his name & asked
"You remember me?"

He replied:
"How the fuck you know my name?!
I don't know you, Puta!"

I said I remember you, Sanchez.
You were only a boy;
working as the LOOKOUT!
It's been 20 years & you're still looking out, huh?
That means you have no ambition!

Shit, that pissed him off.
Suddenly I got 10 PUTAS approaching me;

Then I heard a loud whistle & a deep voice
shouting from a window "Calma, Calma!"

He came downstairs with 5 pit bulls and 3 Rottweilers.
These deadly beasts, man & animal alike, growling at me, showing me their teeth.

"So the prodigal son returns, huh?
I heard you were back.
And wondered how long it would take you to come here.
You always loved this place.
This Barrio was your home.
It's good to see you again.
Come here. 🤗 "

See, about 8 years ago, we made amends.
He called me with a problem.
At the time, I was living in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
And on my advice, the Barrio gave birth to its first BOSS POLITICIAN.

Although, he would still promise to kill me should I touch his wife or daughter again.

"I didn't touch your wife!
I never did, man.
She only said I did to piss you off!
You were always working, neglecting her."

He said, "Yeah, I know. She told me.
But what about my daughter?
Did you touch her?"

I said "Nooooo.😬"

Latin women are much like you Filipinas.
They have an exotic look about em.
They have that "Rolling your R's" accent.
And in the bedroom, fuck, the whole Barrio is gonna hear you!🤭
Ain't nothing you can do to stop that.
These women, they got that fire in them, so sexual.
They be grabbing your cock every chance they get, if they like you.

I looked to Sanchez & said:
"Hey, man.
I was just messing with you.

He gave me a somber look and said so it's YOU.😒

Sanchez has had a crush on his daughter since he was 10.
From what I hear she's now divorced.
And now that I'm back in the Barrio again,
well, you can imagine what Sanchez is thinking.
Hahahaha. Hahahaha.

He invited me into his home.
His wife cooking the Latin equivalent of beef tapa, lots of sautéed onions.

The instant she saw me,
the moment I saw her,
hmmm hmm, that BIG BOOTY.❤️

"Careful now, boy;
remember that promise I made you."😂

I'm over 40 years old but he still calls me BOY;
still thinks of me as 21.
I let him call me that.
No problem.
But he's the only ONE.

She cried, having not seen me for so long.
These folks were like my 2nd dad & mom.
Don't fuck with em though, they'll kill you.
Or in my case, a beat down;
Pit-bull Sanchez is always outside waiting.
They give him the signal & he's CHEWING my ass on the pavement!😊

A long hug & a wet kiss on me.
"Let the man breathe, Mami."

And just then guess who comes out the bedroom?
This thick, big booty, big tit, curvy, boricua.
And the fire blazes, hotter than on the stove top in the kitchen.

The mouth on her.
The reason I first noticed her.
That fiery mouth.

She walked toward me & slapped me!
Man, she really holds a grudge.
But that's her way of saying I've been missed.

Latin women, don't piss em off;
don't fuck with them;
especially if they're the daughters of the POWERFUL MEN.

She grabbed my shirt,
pulled me toward her,
& put her tongue in my mouth.

I looked at El Jefe like:
"Man, I ain't got nothing to do with this!
This ain't on me.
Control your daughter.
Don't blame this kiss on me!!"

He was like—
"Man, shit!
She's a grown woman.
You're a grown man.
She's divorced.
And from what I hear you're single.
I ain't got nothing to say.
But I'm not sure about Sanchez."

She's holding my hand tight saying
That little shrimp motherfucker can't handle me.
This is what I NEED!
This is what I've always needed.
And now that HE'S BACK, try & stop me!"

I'm like "Woman, can you please let go of me?!"
She's holding on tightly like "Dude, you ain't leaving me!"

Just then Mama bear said
"Come come; stop playing around. Let's eat."

After dinner, well, DESSERT!
Damn, these Boricua women, man, THEY FUCK YOU TILL IT HURTS!😏

She's screaming.
And they're 3 doors down & I know they're not sleeping.

We wake up this morning and while having breakfast, they're giving us the left-right looks, smiling & snickering.☺️

Later, I had a private conversation with El Jefe.
(The real reason is was in the Barrio)
Then took my leave.

She walked me out to my car.
And there's Sanchez steaming.😤
I told y'all, when these Latin women fuck, the whole Barrio hears the screaming.

I look at him like
"Sorry, Sanchez, this my woman."
Got to my car, a long kiss,
while grabbing that booty.

She said "Is he looking?"

I said "Yeah."

"Well, it's about time he learns this YOUR PUSSY."

"Oh, YEAH, really?"😎

My engine started & off I went.
A very productive night.
Took care of some serious business & pleasure at the same time.

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