WAR: Finale part 1

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Yesterday, for the first time in over a decade,
I stepped foot on dangerous soil.

The BLACK FOLKS—people underestimate.
But they are the original & true rulers of this world.

They lost that title because they were TOO TRUSTING.
Too opens arms & WELCOMING.

Study the history and you'll find that among every people, in every corner of the earth are found the black, darker-skinned people.
Everywhere on this earth was found BLACK PEOPLE.

Also, study the history, in every corner of the earth where there were lighter, fairer skinned people, white people, the lighter people did everything in their power to suppress, eradicate & kill the darker skinned people;
either physically or mentally.

Why did they do this?

You who are lighter skinned—
Why are you doing everything in your power to suppress darker skin?

You who are darker skinned—
Why are you doing everything in your power to relieve yourself of it?

Either physically or mentally?

To the both of you— WHY DO YOU HATE IT?

Now, some fool might think—
I don't hate it!
What you're saying doesn't apply to me.

Your SIN first begins in your HEART & MIND.
"If you sin in your heart & mind, you've already sinned," so says the LORD; his words not mine.

And so after more than a decade I stepped foot on holy black soil;
with every reverence I could muster!

These foolish black folks—
we better pray the majority of them remain foolish.

That the day NEVER COME they understand their TRUE POWER;
that the day NEVER COME when they understand THEY ARE RULERS!

For upon that day, WE, the rest of us, ARE FINISHED!

Forget the Chinese, the Koreans, the Italians:
I saved the BEST FOR LAST.

I had an ARMY on the outer border, waiting for my orders.

I respectfully called ahead and told him I'll be there shortly.
I got out my car & 200 sets of eyes were on me.

You would think it was a king who was visiting.
But NO!
This show of force was on account of an OUTSIDER in their presence.
They have ZERO TRUST for anyone NOT THEM.

And considering their history of trusting outsiders, I don't blame them.

I'm not afraid so say "I WAS AFRAID."

Never have I seen this PEOPLE so ORGANIZED in their ways.
And this was only a small fraction of all their peoples on this planet.
Can you IMAGINE what would happen if this type of organization existed among ALL OF THEM?

I was afraid of what I was witnessing.

To be continued........

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