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When you're in a situation where you understand you have a high chance of dying you can do one of 2 things:

You can ensure if YOU die, NO ONE ELSE DIES.

People usually talk a big game about DEATH.
But when they're truly faced with their own mortality, suddenly the game changes.

They wanna LIVE!

"Eternity in our hearts."
That's what he gave.
God placed in our hearts the desire to LIVE FOREVER!

I imagine no one wants to die;
especially on the day they were born.
I mean, who the hell wants to die in an explosion, in the middle of their birthday celebration!

He & I were standing alone, in a room together.
He sat at his desk, gun cocked, at the ready.
He told me I got 10 minutes.
"Then I'll kill you."

I said to him I died that night in the sewers.
"300 MEN!"
But somehow the dead crawled out the other end.
And I've been living on borrowed time since then.

I've come to Korea town tonight because this city needs to come together.
And I explained WHY.

We NEED to be ONE!
No more divisions.

Also, if I may be presumptuous,
I want to purchase the building next door,
of course, at a premium.

He asked why do you need it.

"Call it looking out for my interests.
Sticking close by.
And fostering good relations.
I'll send my lawyers to discuss the particulars.

And I'll take my leave now, with your permission."

"Are you SURE about this?"
He wasn't talking to me.
He was speaking to the Italians, the Latinos, the Chinese.

They all said:
"We believe him.
He's the ONLY ONE who saw THIS coming.
Give him anything he wants."

I said, "for now, just the purchase of the building."

They handed over his body to the Barrio.
I'm sure it's dissolved by now;
on its way to some distant waste processing plant.

That was his reward for TREASON.
And a message to HIM:
"We know you're coming."

My next stop- the BLACKS.
Their leader is smart, organized, with a good head on his shoulders.

He has trust issues.
Anyone NOT BLACK who sets foot in his territory, well, you better have a good reason.

I don't judge his methods though.
This country has treated his people horribly.
He is well within his moral and human rights to be suspicious of ANYBODY.
And take whatever actions he feels necessary, to protect his people.

But we have history.
Some good, some not so good.
I'll pay him a visit tomorrow.
And we'll see.

We all must join forces, this city.

Season 14Where stories live. Discover now