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Last night I woke up to some harsh words:
"Who the fuck is this BITCH?!!😡
She's been calling & she's been texting.
She's even sent you some pictures."

Let me see the pictures.

"I deleted them!
The only PUSSY I want you looking at is mine!"

Well, deleting those pics was a bad move.
I don't recognize that number.
So I'd need to see that pussy to know who it belongs to.

"Don't play with me, man.
I'm in a BAD MOOD!"

You know, I don't really do relationships anymore.
It's very important that I remain single.


They're vast & significant, my sexual needs.
There's NO one woman for me.

The ONE WOMAN for me,
I mean, I have a healthy imagination,
but I can never seem to picture the kind of woman she would have to be.
The one woman who can get me to open up & let her into EVERY PART of my being.

No offense to anyone, else;
but that would be a REALLY SPECIAL WOMAN, God-sent.
Almighty God would have to breath life into & shape and form her himself.
Still, she might not be sufficient, for me.

I don't say this to lower spirits or discourage anyone.
Any woman who's attracted to me & I to her— she & I can be friendly toward each other.



And most importantly
& as I've learned recently,
because of MY MIND.

My mind ISN'T RIGHT, for this world.
It's all kinds of WRONG, in this world.

In this world, WRONG is RIGHT.

This world needs a heavenly redemption.
Or more accurately, a heavenly INTERVENTION.

In my MIND, it's a MESS.
We live in a world of mess.
And this MESS has to end.

In spite of all my women,
I remain single & aloof.
For there will come a time when my finger will be on the RED BUTTON.
And nothing will stop me from pushing it.
Not love.
Not YOU.

my day dream,
was an OMEN.

That RED BUTTON wasn't pushed.
Because, first, IT WILL BE the 2nd.
And 2nd, my LAST JOB is not yet finished.

In the meantime, while I'm still alive;
and until that red-button day come,
no one will stop me from enjoying my women.
From living.

Now, the princess has never been one to cry.
But she's still a woman.😭

Upon hearing all this, she asked whether I wanted her to leave.

You are the closest woman to me.
We have much history.
And some indeterminable amount of future left.
And whether you believe me, you help keep the buttons unpressed.
And most important, sometimes, in the middle of the night, I look upon you & you're HEARTFELT.

You are welcome into my life.
Very welcome.
More so than anyone.
Though I will always WANT to "SEE THOSE PICTURES."

The phone, my lady.
Return it to me.

Upon restoration-
I recognized the images.
They belong to Red.

I didn't think she'd wanna see me again;
after that night she had:
her night under the bed;
her night of the dead.

"Who's RED?"

I'll introduce you someday.
For now, return to bed.

"You really meant what you said?"

Yes, the day is coming, princess.
Enjoy me, live with me;
squeeze every drop of love, compassion,
pleasure, joy, laughter,
every tear, every emotion out of me.

Every moment that's good, bad.
Every shock, every lightning bolt to the heart;
every spark!
Between us.

Enjoy those rare moments we have, in bed,
in the quiet, cricket chirping dark of night,
when I truly open my heart to you;
when I let you in.
Those moments I see in your glimmering eyes the REAL LOVE you have for the man who's hand you're holding.

For when this LAST JOB is done—
The REVOLVER DAY will come.

She held on to me so closely;
so tightly;
I couldn't breathe—

"NO, baby!!
I think I love you."😭😔

You're more than welcome,
to love me.
I know I make it easy.
So feel free.

Season 14Where stories live. Discover now