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What luck.
Or perhaps he pitied me.
God has seen fit to give me rest, sleep.

What time is it?
7 hours of restful blessings.
More than I deserved, I imagine.

But I'll take what's given.
And be thankful.

I sit on the porch, awaiting breakfast.
She cooks again, this woman.
All she's ever wanted was this.
To get out of bed in the morning & make me breakfast.

It's ironic.
For when we were kids she'd wake up on Saturday mornings
and only made breakfast for herself.
I'd ask where's mine.
She'd say "Go make it yourself."

She hated me for a time.
The first few months I lived with them.
Her Dad loved her but I was the son his wife didn't give him.
I was the son he adopted, the son he always wanted.
And at times, THE PRINCESS was neglected.

So, for me, NO BREAKFAST!

I can still laugh.
The world hasn't yet taken that from me.
I've survived this long because I'm rarely on any extreme.
I'm usually somewhere in the middle—

Laughing when it's time to;
serious when I need to.
Most times neutral.

One of my men walks by.
"Morning, Boss. You have a visitor."

This will be interesting.
Send him in."

"Good morning, I know it's early."

"Good morning.
If you're here to try to kill me, it won't end well for you."

"I need your help."

"Oh, yeah.
What's the problem?"

"Babe, breakfast.
What's he doing here?!😡"

"Asking for a favor, it appears."

"Hi, M.
I didn't know you were back."😳

"I told you, if you're here to try to kill me, it won't end well for you.
She's back, alright."

"Can we speak in private?"

"You really trying to dismiss THE PRINCESS OF THE BARRIO?
Good luck with that."

She sits down, crosses her legs, folds her arms—
"What do you want, John?"😡

"Spit it out, man.
Why are you here?"

You know, in this business,
many would think it's the men that have all the power.
Not true.

The most powerful person in every Family is potentially the WOMAN IN THE KITCHEN.
She's always in a position to gather power.

And she'll use it against you, if you fuck with her.
And most importantly, if you allow her.

My ladies, my lovers;
I won't tell them everything.
Only what they need to know.

They have the potential to become TOO POWERFUL.
They share a bed with me, in a position where I'm most vulnerable.

A powerful man's ruin CAN come from his woman.

Nonetheless, in some cases, it's best to increase her power.
Men & women think differently;
on a whole host of things.

Her perspective is VALUABLE TO ME.
I can't think of everything.
I can't carry this heavy load all by myself.
We all need HELP.

1 MAN & 4  WOMEN;
protect me.
Add in the Princess of the Barrio & that's 5 WOMEN;
who safeguard me & know my secrets;
and who stand at the heart of my organization.

Will they betray me one day?
One can never be certain;
I don't think;
our history tells me it's unlikely.
But in one way or another, every relationship changes.

Therefore, I have to prepare for the possibility that this power they've gotten will one day be used against me.

M tells me:
"I shouldn't help him.
The way he treats his women.
He so abusive.
Let the woman in his kitchen RUIN HIM."

She & I are of different mind about this.

And pay attention to this.
this is one those cases:

She's a powerful woman.
She sees a powerful man.
They disagree on a course of action.
But somebody has got to put their foot down & take a stand.
This is one of those cases where things can go bad.

This is why it's crucial to "PREPARE FOR THAT POSSIBILITY" in advance.

But there's no need for a heavy foot on such well-polished nails and a sensual hand.

All that's needed is LEADERSHIP.

A simple explanation of my thinking—

"Right now, I don't need anyone TO BE WEAK in my organization.
I need everyone STRONG, especially him;
even though it's in my interest to weaken him.
I mean, this man tried to kill me.

But we have a BIG FIGHT coming.
Perhaps the Biggest.
Ending divisiveness in ALL the FAMILIES is also in my interest.
His time will come.
But right now we need him.

We won't turn our backs on him.
We'll closely watch him.
And if it's any comfort, my help will be contingent upon the END OF HIS ABUSIVENESS.

"Is this something you can accept?"

"Ok, she says;
but I'll hold you to it."

Ha ha ha ha.
See what I mean;
about being in the company of powerful women.
They have the potential to ruin you.
And they will let you know it.

Ah, relationships.

Anyway, I'll get him out of it.
I'll help him.
I'll make him POWERFUL AGAIN,

"Where's the breakfast?"

"Get it your damn self!!"😒

Fucking women—so stressful, infuriating. But I need em.

You know what, Fuck him too!
For ruining my damn morning!"

Season 14Where stories live. Discover now