WAR: Finale Part 2

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I must've have walked 2 miles to get to him.
Up a set of stairs, then down a set of stairs;
then straight ahead.

Then down some more stairs;
then up & down & up & down again.
No elevators!
Still I had to travel some more.

What that taught me:
it's not easy to get to him.
He's well insulated.

I finally reached a door;
solid steel;
Looked bulletproofed;
cameras everywhere.

My escorts knocked on the door.
And we waited over an hour to get in;
no outside seating.

Eventually, I heard a buzz & OPEN SESAME;
the steel door opened sluggishly.
We probably waited another hour for that door to open fully.
And I'm not even exaggerating.
Well, maybe a little;
but it felt that way.

I walked in to a KING.
Surrounding him were his advisers;
who looked more like lions & tigers!

I said "Good day, gentlemen.
Thank you for giving me audience."

One of them said "WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!"

He most likely HATES MY KIND;
that was clear.

He sat there, silently;
watching me;
his advisers whispering.

He's never been a man of many words.
He said but one to me:

I haven't even said what I've come to say.
How can you say no before hearing me out?"

He replied "Leave."

I was obviously upset.
And made the mistake of raising my voice.

By the look on his face I could tell I FUCKED UP.
You don't raise your voice to such a man.

I said "Thank you for your time."

And was vigorously escorted out!

My ladies asked:
"How'd it go, BOSS?"
I didn't answer.
But that in itself was an answer.

We got in our SUVs and went home.

Fuck, I still don't know what happened.
He's never been an easy man to deal with.
But I needed him.
He's got an army of soldiers who know how to fight;
men not afraid to kill or die.

I got home to a present.
A note saying:

I instantly knew it was HIM.
He's arrived.
And so this WAR BEGINS.

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