50 0 2

But can't sleep.


What goes 'round comes 'round;
it goes up; comes down.

50 soldiers patrol the grounds.
Always at the watch, are 4 of the deadliest killers in town.
4 women unmatched, against any army of man.

Yet no sleep comes for this ONE.

Thought I'd left this shit behind.
But hands ever tied.

I had a good time.
Traveled the world in style.
North America, South America,
Asia, Europe, Africa.

Wherever I went, women moistened at my presence;
men made to feel smaller by it.

I opened my mouth & they all melted;
they all felt it.
All wanted, to come closer.
"To get to know ya."

Wasn't my intent.
All I ever wanted was retirement.
To leave the past behind & live in peace in every future moment.

"No rest for the wicked."
Who said it?
Did they mean it?
I feel it.

50 soldiers;
4, the deadliest.
Yet, so restless.

I sit in the dark;
listening to Mozart—Lacrimosa.
At my head, the Revolver.
Russian Roulette; one in the chamber.
4 clicks.
5 and it's over!

I hear her voice:
"Babe, where are you?"

"Down here.
Did I wake you?"

From behind, she embraces;

She sees the gun—
"Are you done?"


"Then come to bed."

She knows me so well.
She didn't even panic.

She knows whenever I have a job to do,
no matter how difficult, I do it.

She knows many are looking to me to see them through it.
And she knows I know it.

The revolver is my day dream.

Mozart, it seems to me he's speaking.
Every note, I can feel it—

🎶 Restless nights.
No sleep.
They'll take,
every piece of me.
And only when it's over,
I'll get my rest;
& lay my head among the best;
all the great ones who came before me;
and left for me their legacies.
No rest,
for wicked;
no rest,
for me. 🎶

Up the steps I go;
her voice calls out to me.
We have so much love to make up for;
so much lost history.

She lies in bed, nakedly.
Arms outstretched, calling out to me.
On top,
her legs open & she welcomes me.

Our members collide.
Our outer skins slide,
ready to accept the pleasurable ride.

Mine penetrates.
Hers opens.

She screams.
Her nails pierce me.
She bites;
my neck, bloody.
I feel it;
she grows wet for me.

The instruments sing.
The notes ring.

There it is.
Can always tell it's cumming.
A series of contractions & expansions.
Then suddenly, a loud scream, followed by an explosion.

I pull out.
It drips.

The music dies.
A final kiss.
Eyes gaze into eyes.

She's pleased.


We fall to sleep.
Though only a moment for me.
Mozart repeats.

"No rest, for the wicked.
No rest, for me."

Lacrimosa keeps me company.

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