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Like a thief in the night they came.
I heard my front door being tampered with.
My windows were being quietly broken.
Then almost silently opening.

I woke Red.
And said—
"Listen to me carefully & do as I say exactly.
There are men here to kill me.
They're in the house already.
Go under the bed & don't come out until you hear me."

She didn't believe me.
And told me stop playing.
Then closed her eyes to go back to sleep again.

Just then they knocked over something.
And we both heard it.
She grew frightened.😳
And almost screamed.

I covered her mouth & told her not to make a sound.
She now believed me.
"Go under the bed, baby.
Don't come out until you hear me."

My lieutenant texted:
"How you doing?"

Still in bed, I calmly replied:
"I'm fine.
Leave one alive."


I don't take pleasure in ending LIFE.
But I'm sure you'll agree sometimes it's necessary.

Still in bed, I could hear the bodies dropping to the floor.
I counted 4.
The fourth, I felt sympathy for him.
Hearing a grown man scream, it's a sound that's haunting.

They came into my bedroom with the 5th.
I was reading, Moby Dick;
Ain't that something.

He was BLOODY.
I said to him you're not gonna live to spend the money from this HIT.

If you have family or anyone you love, I will learn this.
Tell me who sent you & they your loved ones will live.

They will be taken care of;
they'll come under my protection
& they will live.
"This I swear; this is promise."

He began pleading.
I believed he truly did not know whom he was sent to kill.
He was given an address, a house & that was it.

Meanwhile, my lady RED is under the bed.
She KNOWS who I AM.
But this is the first she has gotten to witness it.

I called her name.
Told her it's time to go home.

I was watching her, on my cameras, as she was walking down the steps.
Four bodies were being wrapped in plastic.
Men were cleaning my house of blood stains.
All this she witnessed.

She vomited.
My FEMALE ENFORCER helped her to her car and took her home.

Still on his knees, in my bedroom;
still pleading, begging & apologizing,
I wanted to spare him;
this simple pawn in a dangerous game of CHESS—
of life & death;
I really wanted to let him go home.
To go be with his family or loved ones;
to hold & kiss them;
let them know he loves them.
I really wanted to but I couldn't.

After he told me of all he knew,
I did him the kindness of a PHONE CALL:
"If you have someone you want to say goodbye to, the time is now."

He called his GRANDMOTHER.
Made sense.
These kinds rarely grow up in the company of one or both parents.
Usually it's an aunt, uncle or grandparent.

He told her he loved her so much.
And that he was sorry his life didn't turn out better.
He said he wished he had listened less to wayward friends & more to her.

It was heartbreaking to listen.
And when the call ended I gave the signal:
a simple nod & his life ended.
He got 2 bullets, in the head, from my lieutenant.

His body was wrapped.
And all 5 were removed from my home.

I told the men not to bury the 5th yet.
She'll wanna say goodbye, his grandparent.
Another kindness, I guess.

What a night of FOOLISHNESS!😞
He sent these 8 souls to my home to CERTAIN DEATH.

The good ones & the GREAT ONES— that's the difference.

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