The wizzard with the eyes that can see everything

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After I had some sips of the tea Snape prepared I could see that he was looking at me with gentle eyes. It was the first time I saw him not looking angry at me. Now come to think of it, he never looked really angry at me. It was more as if he was trying to be angry. 

As I was thinking about that he started to speak again which made me snap out of my thoughts and look at him.

Snape: The story goes like this: 

There was once a dragon which was in great need of help. Not able to fly away and not able to use the magic it possesed it was soon to ceise to exist.

As the days of the dragon came near, a woman found the dragon and instead of being scared that woman felt sympathy towards the dragon. 

It is said that the woman visited the dragon every day and used all kind of potions to help the dragon out to survive. She freed it from the traps holding the dragon down.

From that day onwards these two became close to each other spending their days together and comforting each other in days of need until one day the village the woman came from found them together.

They called the woman a witch and set her up to burn on a stake while the dragon was fighting off the humans. The woman was a wizzard and looked at the dragon and told it to never forget her and to protect her son. 

The dragon felt sympathy and sandess seeing the woman burn to her death and used  its magic to get the woman out of danger. However the moment the dragon got the woman and her son out of the village, it was already too late for the son.

The woman tried everything she could to safe her belovid son but it was already too late for the small child which was said to be a wizzard and possessed because of his mother. This very child was also put on the stacke to burn. 

Out of danger the dragonlet them both to ground and cried for the sad woman who feared the death of her son. In the end, the dragon gave up his dragon breath and heart to save the womans child life. 

It was that moment that the child awoke once again with eyes that could see the world in a different way. It was now able to see creatues he never saw and use far greater magic. 

The woman was soo gratefull to the dragon which lost it's dragon appearance as well as his eye sight as well as its previous live. She vowed to to never leave the now human which was their savior dragon until the day they both grew old.

It is said that both of them lived a very happy life while the child was now gifted with the ability to help everyone in need.

He would be the next saviour of the world and his immortal soul would be born again when the world needed him the most.

Me: Wow....

Snape: Well this is how the story goes.

Me: ... and you think that I am actually a reincarnation of that or something?

Snape: It would ecplain them.

I could tell that he meant Solace and Lunaris since he was looking at them but from what I heard I had a feeling he was also hiding a part of the story. The only question was if he was doing this on purpose or not.

Me: I have a question.

Snape: Yes?

Me: What happened to the boy?

Snape: I don't know. The story only focuses on the dragon and the woman and not their child.

Me: Is there a way to find out?

Snape: It is a legend and no one even knows if it is true. It is nearly impossible but if there is any information about this then in the libaray. I will go there tomorrow while you have classes.

Me: Can't I go with you?

Snape: No. I will go alone since there is a part where you are not allowed to go in as a student.

Me: Ohhh okay.

Snape: Anything else you want to know?

Me: No... I was just wondering what happened since you said he was a saviour to the world.

Snape: I never thought about that... I'll see what I can find out. 

Me: Thanks.

Snape: Now tell me something about them. Is there anything I have to know?

Me: Solace here basically can use flames and heat up. This is why I called him Solace like the sun. Lunaris on the other hand is cold and can use ice. 

Snape: Luna, like the moon.

Me: Mhm.

Snape: You found some nice names Harry.

Me: Thank you.

Snape: Do you need something from your room?

Me: My cloths?

Snape: I have a spare uniform here but let's go to your room and grab some things. You are staying with me in these quarters from now on.

Me: Why! I am not suicidal!

Snape: Safety reasons. Who knows what will happen to you if people find out that you can see things they don't.

Me: ... I understand.

Just like that we both went to the Griffindors dorms and to my room so I could pack up some things. I was only happy that everyon had classes right now so that rumours couldn't spread more than they probably already did since I did kinda escape and had people running after me... Oh well I would have surely to deal with that too sooner or later anyways.

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