The truth...

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It took me 3 days to finally be back to my usual self. I really missed Solace a lot. It was just different not having him around but Lunaris. It felt as if a part of myself was missing. Thankfull Snape and Lunaris where there for me and they helped me get back to my usual self again.

However the more I was thinking about it, the strager it was. Solace and Lunaris both knew about Voldemort and they were both not saying a thing and I was sure to change that today. I just had to know. It was weird for them to be like this and there had to be a reason for it.

Me: Lunaris!

Snape: Why are you screaming like this?

Me: Because I have to know what he knows!

Snape: What do you mean?

Me: Well they both tried to stop us from going down there. They knew what was awaiting us.

Snape: ... I may not understand what you guys will be saying but I am here for ya.

Me: Thanks.

It took a couple of more times calling him to come over. He was hiding and I was sure he knew why. Still it was useless and so he came over to me. We all were sitting on the couch and Lunaris was visible for Snape to see. Still al he would hear was some hissing coming from him. I would make sure to tell him what was going on.

Me: Speak!

Lunaris: I don't know what you mean.

Me: You knew what awaited us down there. I want to know why.

Lunaris: It is not a happy fact tho. There is a reason we don't talk about it.

Me: I have to know Lunaris.

Lunaris: You sure you won't regret it?

Me: Yeah.

Lunaris: Okay. Me and Solace are summoned creatures. We once served under Voldemort as he was our Master. Your mother created us for him. 

Me: Why in the world would she do that?

Lunaris: Harry, you are not who you think you are.

Me: What is that supposed to mean?

Lunaris: You are not a Potter. You never were.

Me: Say what now?

Lunaris: Your mother and Voldemort were a great couple back when we were created but he changed after your mother got pregnant with you. He wanted power and for that reason he sacrificed her right after you were born. Me and Solace promised to protect you and so we took you away from him to the Potters. They took you in for a couple of month and you and their own son Harry which was a coincidence that you both had the same names, were great friends. 

Me: So you wanna tell me that he is my father?

Lunaris: Yes.


Snape: What's wrong?

Me: Apparenlty I am Voldemorts son.

Snape: PARDON?!!!

Me: Yeah. The real Harry Potter which by the way also just coincidentally is named Harry is dead I assume like the other Potters...

Lunaris: That is right.

Me: So they dead for sure.

Snape: .... You must be shocked.

Me: MHM....

Lunaris: It gets better!

Me: Oh what now?

Lunaris: He tried to sacrifice you. That's where you got the scar from.

Me: ... damn.... Now he tried to sacrifie me... how is that better?

Lunaris: It isn't. That was sarcasm.

Me: ... Oh.

Lunaris: He still wants you as a sacrifice to gain power.

Me: Oh shit.

Lunaris: Tho, I won't let anything happen to you!


Snape: You got pale all of the sudden. What's wrong?

Me: I was told that my dad who is Voldemort wants me as a sacrifice to get stronger.

Snape: That won't happen. I won't allow it.

Me: Ahm thanks but you saw what happened last time.

Snape: Still won't let him get ya.

Me: I don't wanna lose any of you anymore.

Snape: You won't.

Lunaris: Don't worry. You won't!

Me: Thanks guys.

Thanks to that small talk which took us an hour, I finally understood why this guys was after me soo much. Before that I had no ideas. Now it at least made sense. Eventho the truth hurt, I still needed it. This was necessary and I felt relieved knowing what was going on and why then to just start wildly guessing.

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