Cigars and Cologne- Tom Riddle

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Warning: Drugs, Drinking Underage, Abuse, Toxic Relatonships, War, Blood, Intoxicating Thoughts, Miscarriage.

Cigars and Cologne- Tom Riddle

1944, Year Six- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Tom Riddle is the school's darkest freak with the highest grades. You were the second best because of him. He used the astrology room for late-night studying paired with a bottle of scotch and a few cigars.

You had to admit that you like many others in the school found him attractive. However, he was a mystery waiting to be solved. A puzzle without a piece.

A song without a note. Tom Marvolo Riddle was your drug without the taste of nicotine. You never needed cigars all you needed was his cologne. His complexion was intoxicating in the moonlight. Unlike any other student, you had top grades and were a very involved student.

In every light, Tom was supposed to be the better student. Yet, he was very into being alone. Darkness roamed around his aurora and his entire persona. The sound of your shoes against the tiles was the only thing to be heard. One foot after the other slowly making your way to Tom. You found him in his classic black suit reading by candlelight.

"I figured you would be here Tom." You told him the sound of your voice echoed a bit due to the empty space in the vacant tower. "Is that so darling?" Tom questioned in a sarcastic manner. Shutting his book with a soft thud it hit the desk. He stood up and once again the silence was filled with the sound of nice shoes against old wooden floors. Tom lifted his hand to caress your cheek. "My dear you aren't supposed to be up this late." He gently spoke wiping a strand of loose hair from your face and sweeping it behind your ear.

"I know and I'm sorry but I had to check in on you Tom. You have been up here awhile and I do worry about you sometimes." You replied with a bit of stutter in your voice that usually was confident and strong. "You mustn't worry about me dear I will be just fine up here," Tom whispered kissing the top of your head. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating you. He knew what he was doing because for the past few months it had worked.

Surly you thought a boy like him wouldn't be so addictive. Yet here he was in the astronomy tower destined to sweep you off your feet. Softly Tom had music playing in the background. You danced to a familiar song that you would, later on, deem your song. Your head was buried in his chest while his head rested on yours. Dancing the night away was a moment of bliss in your everchanging lives.

With you Tom began to let his guard down he felt like a normal person. Despite the memories flooding through his mind of the torturing thoughts you would leave him. He knew he was toxic but he also knew you were intoxicating. You look up into his muddy brown eyes to find a glimmer of love. Tom didn't truly know what love was he had never felt the love of a sibling. Let alone his own mother and or father. So how could he be falling in love with you? You knew what love was based on the fact you had your mother and your aunt.

You had a brother as well but your father left. Maybe it was the trauma that bonded you. Or maybe it was the lack of knowledge like everyone else about what true love is. Knowing it is all powerful and consuming. Yet like many others, you never knew of the feeling. Eventually, the book you had grasped in your hand as you walked up the steps became useful. You had stopped dancing when the song was over and sat on a cushion pulled to the floor Tom had his book in his hands.

And you laid on his chest reading yours. By morning you felt happy and he thought he did too. You thought of him every moment you could, every day.From the morning to the evening. Weekdays and weekends were filled with him. Your love potion smelled like him.

Tom wanted to finally feel something after all these years locked in denial and a vacancy of emotion trapped behind the locked door. As opposed to his normal depressive self Tom looked better and felt better. You were the cure to his illness or the next step in his plan.

Riding lightly upon the magic of horcruxes Tom decided you were the last ones. He gave you expensive jewelry to wear. On in particle was bound to you both, A necklace shaped like a miniature puzzle piece, In the center of the silver charm, it held a small diamond. Tom had surprised you with it not too long ago.

Remembering that day was easy. "Tom, have you seen my ring?" You asked searching for an antique ring your mother had given to you. "Darling come here," Tom quietly shouted. "Did you find it?" You asked coming from around the corner. "Yes dear, it is on the table of your box. However, I didn't call you in for that." Tom informed you stopping you from retrieving your ring. "Yes, Tom what is it?" You asked intrigued and a tad bit nervous. "Turn around." Tom commanded gently fumbling with the new sliver clasp.

Placing the dainty chain around your neck and clasping it shut to never be taken off again. You look down and gasp slightly."It's beautiful Tom, thank you." You tell him a smile across your face and his.

Another twinge of emotion felt odd coursing through his body. You weren't really the ditsy type of person however, the necklace was so beautiful you couldn't resist. "Love unless we split you cannot take off that necklace." Tom lied perfectly. How stupid could you have been not to see he was using you? You knew all of his habits from the way he fidgets with his hands or yours in a new social situation to the way he lies when he was up all night.

Tom felt remarkably guilty for lying to you. Although a price had to be paid for his sins. He could repent to god or rule the world. He knew you were stupidly in love with him.

Traumatic you remember the first time he killed in front of you, How much blood a person could lose was far less than you expected however, it was still fluid. From a bodily function to crimson splatters around the room Tom had been unfazed by the sight of it. As bad as he was for your health you kept stupidly letting yourself become drawn to him. A cliche moth to a flame sort of way. Essentially you were his right-hand man standing by his side every meeting. He let his guard down around you when no one was around to see.

Only for each other, you were stupid enough to not read the warning labels that were shouting in your face. Numb, you became numb to his ways and the initial state of death. Maybe he did love you? Or maybe you were his pawn in a game of chess. Trapped moving one step at a time breathing in and out.

Dragging your feet across the marbled tiles one after the other. They are all beautiful at first the showering of affection laced with kisses of venom. Overdosed on the drug of adrenaline and romance. Giving the dopamine that you needed but the shadow of who you once followed you. Just as

Tom's did to him and the rest of the world. However, young shadow Tom would scream at him for what he had done. He had lost his royalty fucking around with a pawn.

Cheating the rules of life knowing if you ever ripped that chain from around your neck he would surely be weak enough to kill.

If you were to spill his secrets he would be demolished from his status of high class. Years of the building would let you know your sister was right. Turns out you couldn't love anymore not for the same reasons as before. You knew she was right when Tom became angry you were spending time with her.

He conspired that you were colluding with her. "Don't trust English boys with far too much free time. They will only leave you crying overnight." She told you the next day Tom killed her in front of you. That was the last straw you needed a way out. His cologne that was once intoxicating suffocated you. You wondered how could you be so blindside and stupid.

The smell of his cigars gave you a headache. The sight of him no longer him was enough to make you feel sick. You should have read the warning label when you had the chance.Scared of the future he would hold therefore you became a spy. In the end, to make it final you ripped the once beautiful gift off of your neck.

A wave of relief and freedom flooded your soul. You had a soul again knowing Tom Marvolo Riddle was gone. Guilt washed the smile off of your face as you knew your son had seen that. He was old enough to kow you were happy but not old enough to understand why you were happy his dad was dead.

You had twins when you gave birth. However, Tom would have killed you knowing one was a girl. So you lied to protect her. Devestating as it was for the Malfoy's Narcissa had just gone through a late miscarrage.

You gave her to Narcissa. Colluding to keep it from your spouses. She knew what it was like as a mother to protect your children at all costs. You had nothing but you had your family and you were free from the devil himself. You were currently the happiest person in the world. At least for now....

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