Forever Young - 2

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Eddie's POV:


The police station, sleeping, drinking, smoking, repeat.

The schedule had been on loop for Eddie, for he was in a constant state of shock.
Some people say he was sick, mentally. And that he had finally cracked by slaughtering you.
But some, only a small percentage of the people, knew the truth.

Eddie was in a place far away, constantly hiding behind drugs and alcohol. Trying to keep himself in a sane state of mind.

But honestly, who could be fine after experiencing something so traumatic?
How much can the human mind hold?

Not much for it to break, but how much pressure does it need for it to just completely shut off?

Eddie knew, Eddie knew that answer.

For his mind had been destroyed so deeply there was no point in trying to recover.
His body was an empty shell, his soul free somewhere in the atmosphere.

But his soul wasn't free was it?
Every second he was repeating that image in his head.
How his beloved partners life crumbled to pieces in front of him, he could do nothing to avoid it.

Well he could, but he didn't know that yet.

That's what hurt the most, the urge to go back in time and fix everything.

But Eddie knew better, he knew that no matter how hard he tried to imagine it. There was no going back.

He would never feel your warm embrace again, nor would he ever feel the bubbling sensation of happiness in his stomach again.

No, no that was long gone. And so we're you.

Please help


Haha no happy ending for you bitches, nah but I honestly started tearing up when writing this and I'm gonna die so yeah that was a fucking rollercoaster of emotions.

Short Chapter

Eddie Munson x Reader <OneShots>Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin