1- The Wolf

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Chapter One

I approached the doors of the school with a feeling similar to suffocating. I just wanted to get out of the school- unfortunately that's what everyone else wanted as well which made it about twenty times more difficult. But they didn't need it the way I did. I could feel everything and it was worse than overwhelming. I could feel the new guy's depression and homesickness, the nerdy girl's happiness, the shy guy's longing for the head cheerleader. All of their emotions swirled together making me feel sick.

After about five more minutes, I finally made it outside of the school and took in a deep breath, feeling a little less insane. The outdoors usually helped me feel better; they offered some sort of relief that I couldn't find anywhere else. I could still feel everyone's feelings inside me, but it wasn't as sharp. When I was stuck inside of the school with them it made it hard for me to sort out my feelings from everyone else's. Out here we were less condensed and I was able to sort of stuff their feelings to the back of my mind.

I started my walk home and felt someone run into me, leaving me with an overpowering feeling of guilt. I turned and saw one of the most popular girls in the school behind me. What did she have to feel so guilty about? She scowled. "Stay away from me, freak. Why don't you just leave us alone?"

'You were the one that ran into me,' I thought, but I didn't say anything out loud. I learned a long time ago that it only made things worse- far worse. I just nodded and she walked off, guilt still radiating off of her. I felt a small desire in the pit of my stomach to help her, but I silenced it quickly. There was nothing I could do; she saw me as the outcast. They all did.

It wasn't a long walk to my house and I got there within the next five minutes. I ran inside and locked the door behind me, happy to be alone after being stuffed inside a school for seven hours. When I was home I didn't have to worry about anyone's feelings, but my own. Not even my parents' because they were never around. Ever since they'd realized I felt what everyone else did, they'd kept their distance, and it happened to be a very long distance. At first it bothered me, but now I was used to it. I rejoiced in the solitude of my home.

I dropped my school bag at the bottom of the stairs and grabbed my sketchbook before going out the back door and into the forest that surrounded my house. The forest was my happy place; the place where I went when I needed to think. I was headed towards my favorite tree when I realized there were people out there. I turned to leave immediately, but it was too late. If I hadn't been so caught up in my thoughts I could've realized it sooner. But as it was, I had to deal with it.

I was suddenly hit with their feelings of lust and love; it was obvious what they were doing. I ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction until I couldn't feel the oblivious couple any longer. I reached a river and fell to my knees, puking up my lunch. That was just great.

I sighed and leaned against a nearby tree as sadness overtook me; my own sadness this time. Why couldn't I just be normal? Why did I have to be born as a freak of nature? Why were they even doing it in the forest? A few tears rolled down my face and I wrapped my arms around my knees. A small whimper made my head shoot up. My gaze landed on a wolf that was standing across the clearing, watching me in an almost humanly way. He looked curious- as curious as a wolf could look that is. I offered him a small, hesitant smile. I could only sense what other people were feeling; I was fine around animals.

"Are you going to kill me?" I yelled at it, suddenly aware of how angry I was. "You might as well hurry up and get it over with. It's not like anyone will miss me." He just whimpered again and approached me with his head down, a sign of surrender no matter what species you were.

I watched him cross the meadow until he was standing right next to me. He was huge, taller than my knees, yet he didn't seem to be a threat. He nudged me with his huge head, nuzzling my arm. I smiled and stroked his fur. It was surprisingly clean for a wolf. "Hey, you don't seem to very mean. Aren't wolves supposed to attack people?"

He whined and laid down, stretching across my legs and peering up at me with knowing eyes. I grinned at him. "You know what? I like you. My name is Samara. Let's see, what should I call you? How about Sam? It can be short for Samimi, which is Turkish for friendly. I've learned exactly forty-three words in Turkish." He didn't respond- of course he didn't, he was a dog. I was talking to a dog...

I hesitated before gently trying to push his body off of me. He growled with irritation and I wasted no time in yanking my hands away. "Sorry! But can you move please? I want to draw..." I didn't know if he understood me, but it seemed like he did because he huffed, stood up and laid next to me rather than on me. That was one intelligent wolf. I smiled. "Thanks Sam." He just stared at me with his gray eyes.

I thought for a minute and then decided to draw Sam. What else would I draw? I spent the rest of the afternoon sketching the wolf that stayed by my side. I expected him to run off at some point, maybe to chase a squirrel, but he never did. I waited until it was starting to get dark, before I finally decided to get back to my house. Hopefully the lovers from earlier would be gone by now.

I stood up and stretched, watching Sam mimic my movements. I bit my lip and started towards my house; amazed when Sam followed me. Maybe he would leave at some point along the way.

When I reached my house, I was shocked to see that Sam was still with me. I turned and stared down at him. "Are you going to stay at my house?" He nodded very deliberately and I resisted the urge to faint. From what I knew about dogs, they weren't nearly this smart. I'd read stories about pet dogs that could sit and roll over, but I'd never heard of one that understood English.

Then I figured I wasn't particularly normal either so why did I expect him to be? That was completely hypocritical of me. "Okay," I muttered, opening the door and letting him walk in before following. He stared at me as I shut the door and turned on all the lights. I hated being alone in the dark.

I went to the kitchen and decided to make a grilled cheese for dinner. I was starving thanks to my earlier disturbed stomach. I turned on the stove and felt Sam brush against my leg. I looked down at him and sighed. "I don't have any dog food... Do you like grilled cheese?" I felt sort of ridiculous talking to a wolf, but he nodded which made me feel slightly better about it. Either he really did understand me or I was finally going crazy from lack of socialness. Either way it felt nice to finally talk to someone that didn't think I was a psychopath. It was refreshing.

Once the sandwiches were done, I placed both of them onto plates and lowered one to the ground for Sam while I sat at the table with the other. While I ate, I talked to Sam who was a great listener considering he couldn't talk. "You know I've never really had a friend before. Even my parents only call me every so often to make sure I'm not dead." I was surprised when he growled. I smiled slightly. "You're so smart, it's amazing." He smirked at me- well as much as a dog could smirk. I guess it was more of he opened part of his mouth than an actual smirk.

I laughed and finished my sandwich, throwing away the crusts. For some reason, I couldn't stand crust. I then looked over at Sam who'd moved to the couch. "Are you coming upstairs with me? You can stay down here if you want." I didn't even finish my sentence, before he jumped up and headed upstairs. This was one really brilliant dog. It's not every day you find a nice, smart wolf in the forest...

I reached my room and Sam ran over to the bed, jumping onto it without as much as a glance at me. I smiled and grabbed my clothes before heading to the bathroom. I gave Sam a stern look. "I will be right back. I swear if you eat anything important, you will be sleeping outside." He snorted (or sneezed) and rested his head on my pillow. It better still be there when I get back.

As I showered, I thought; mostly about Sam. I decided that even if I was going insane, it was better than my current reality. At least now I had a friend; something I'd never experienced before. I'd always wanted a friend but it wasn't possible when people avoided me like the plague.

Once I was ready for bed, I went back into my bedroom and lay on my bed. Sam curled up against me and I ran my hands through his fur. He should've been dirty and covered with bugs, but he seemed perfectly clean... I would still give him a bath tomorrow- if he stuck around.

I reached over and turned off the light, engulfing my room in darkness. "Goodnight Sam." Thank you for being my friend- I don't care what species you are. Besides; a dog is man's best friend.

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