6- A Makeover

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Chapter 6

When lunch finally rolled around, I went over to my tree and was shocked when I saw Vanessa and Caleb already there. I hesitantly sat down next to Vanessa, putting my backpack next to me. "Hi."

"Hey, how were your classes?" She asked, leaning her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. They were adorable together and they looked so private I felt like I should look away. At least this wasn't as bad as the people I'd felt in the forest.

I laughed softly and muttered, "Boring- as usual."

"Classes are always boring," Caleb pitched in as Aiden reached us.

He plopped down on my other side and raised his eyebrows at us. "What are we talking about? Oh and Alexis and Dylan went off campus to get lunch." His face twisted into a scowl at that.

"Oh come on, be happy for them," Vanessa replied, frowning at Aiden. I looked between them, trying to understand.

He grimaced. "I am, but it's sickening to see my sister constantly hanging out with him. And you haven't ever walked in on them making out in her room-"

"Okay, stop! Too much information," she complained, shuddering. I smiled at their exchange. They were obviously close.

Caleb smirked. “You act like you’re so innocent.”

“Shut up,” she grumbled, a red tint entering her cheeks. I watched the trio with amusement. They were the kind of people I’d always wanted as friends. But who knew how long it would last…

Aiden noticed my sudden change of mood and bumped my shoulder gently with his. “What’s wrong? You look upset.” I blinked at him, my words getting caught in my throat. I wasn’t used to people caring about my feelings.

“I can feel what other people feel; it’s not just a rumor.” I clasped my hand to my mouth as I realized what I’d said. I had just said the first thing that came into my mind and now I was really regretting it.

He nodded. “That sounds like it can be really agitating. I can’t imagine how it must to feel to experience what everyone else does.”

“Wait… So you don’t think I’m a freak?” I was trying not to get my hopes up, but he was making it really hard.

He frowned, his eyebrows pinching together adorably. “No, I think it’s cool. Trust me; I know what it’s like to be different.”

“But everyone likes you,” I stated. He could get people to do whatever he wanted with a flick of his hand. He wasn’t really popular, but people seemed to listen to him.

Aiden laughed. “Not everyone likes me! And they just don’t know I’m different because I keep it a secret. I can’t really go around telling people-”

“Aiden, what the hell are you doing?” Caleb snapped, interrupting him.

Vanessa gave Aiden a disapproving look. “You can’t tell her now. At least not here.” Aiden glared back at his friends as I watched them and tried to guess what they were talking about.

“Calm down, I wasn’t going to tell her about that,” he replied, his voice strained.  

I rolled my eyes at all of them, unable to stop it. “I’m sitting right here you know.”

“I’m sorry about them,” Aiden told me.

I shook my head. “I don’t blame any of you for not telling me whatever it is. Trust me; I know the importance of secrets.”

"Well I hate keeping secrets," he sighed and gave me an apologetic smile. I just waved him off. If everything went well then they would tell me at some point, but I wasn't going to pressure them to tell me. Although, I was starting to get a little bit curious…

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