14- Captured

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I woke up late. My phone was filled with missed calls, voicemail and texts from Aiden. I deleted all of them without looking. It would only destroy my resolve if I did. My heart was aching in a way that scared me. I was already so attached to him.

I spent the rest of the weekend with my phone shut off and ignoring the doorbell. I only answered a call from Alexis to assure her I was okay. Then Aiden stole the phone from her and I hung up, tears streaming down my face. Couldn’t he see how much this hurt me? Couldn’t he realize I was doing this for him and his pack?

When Monday came around, I sluggishly got ready for school. I knew I would have to see Aiden today and I knew he would try to talk to me. I had to be prepared for this. If I wasn’t, I would give in the second he approached me.

I reached the school, expecting to see Alexis and Vanessa waiting for me at the doors like they had been since we became friends. But they weren’t there. So I went to my locker where I was greeted by Emily. I hadn’t come in contact with her since Aiden had scared her and Mitch away.

She smiled smugly at me, waves of pride rolling off her. “I see Aiden found a new girl.” She looked down the hallway and I followed her gaze.

My eyes landed on Aiden and Shelby. She was leaning against his locker and he was standing not even a foot away. They were holding hands. I looked away before I threw up. My stomach turned and my heart felt heavy.

“Aw, did you have a crush you little freak?” Emily teased me. I ignored her, slamming my locker shut and storming off to my first class.

I put my head on my desk once I was sitting in my seat. The whole reason I’d left Aiden was so he could be happy and a good leader. I just hadn’t expected him to move on so quickly- especially with Shelby… Couldn’t he have waited at least a week?

Aiden didn’t sit by me today and to my horror, I felt tears well up in my eyes. I watched him sit in the front of the classroom, chatting energetically with people. He didn’t seem to be holding any of the upset feelings I was. Had he faked the whole thing?

This was why I hadn’t wanted to get involved with him in the first place.

When class ended, I rushed out before I had to watch Aiden be happy any longer. I should have been happy that he was okay with all of this. I just felt hurt and used.

I left the school before I could even think about what I was doing. I just had to get out of there. I reached the edge of the school grounds before I started sobbing. I clutched my books to my chest and kept walking.

And then someone stepped in front of me. I quickly wiped my eyes and looked up at them. Then I froze in fear. Milo. Of course he had to show up right when I was at my worst. Suddenly my fear melted into anger. “What do you want?” I snapped at him.

He looked shocked. “Well, someone isn’t very polite.”

“Sorry that I don’t feel like being nice to a guy that wants me dead,” I replied smartly. I didn’t know what I was doing, I wasn’t really thinking about what could happen.

“You know it’s nothing personal.”

I rolled my eyes. “Well, can you leave me alone now? I walked away from Aiden and he’s moved on. He’s dating Shelby now, in case you’re wondering.”

“But he still cares about you more than anyone,” Milo mused, looking around us. I laughed bitterly at his words. All of my fear had disappeared. I was sick of being weak. It was keeping me away from Aiden.

“I seriously doubt that,” I muttered and stepped around him. He grabbed my arm roughly, making me drop my books.

Milo’s grip tightened when I tried to pull away. Yay, more bruises. “You’re coming with me,” he commanded.

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