8- The Party is Over

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Chapter 8

“What do you mean?” Chase asked, facing Shelby with a confused expression. The people around us had turned to watch what was happening.

She regarded me like I was a disease. “That’s the girl who says she can feel what other people are feeling. Are you really so stupid that you didn’t recognize her?” Her words made him take a step away from me and everyone else followed his example. I felt tears spring to my face as my cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. It was kindergarten all over again.

“You don’t have to be so cruel,” Chase stated, but he didn’t come any closer.

“What’s going on?” I heard Alexis ask and I looked over as she and Vanessa joined me. “Shelby, what did you do this time?”

Shelby’s smile was full of fake sweetness. “Just making sure Chase knew exactly who he was dancing with. I doubt he’ll want to continue dancing with this crazy bitch.”

“You are so messed up,” Vanessa snapped at her.

She simply shrugged and turned to Chase. “Do you want to dance with her?”

“Well… I mean, I… I didn’t…” He gave up, looking at the ground. I felt humiliation engulfing me and I wished the floor would just swallow me already.

Shelby smirked. “See, even Aiden is only your friend because of pity. I mean if he really liked you, would he be dancing with Hannah Argon?” She pointed over my shoulder and I turned slowly, afraid of what I would see.

He was turned sideways so I could only see half his face but it was easy to tell who it was. And sure enough, he was dancing with a pretty brunette girl. I gulped and looked away, wondering why it stung so badly. It wasn’t like we were dating- he didn’t even see me that way.

“Now do you understand? No one wants you here,” she hissed, leaning towards me. I was too overwhelmed to reply and I acted on instinct. I quickly turned and walked away, rushing towards the front door. Once I got there, I ran outside, somehow balancing on the heels Vanessa had leant me.

I came to a stop at the end of the yard where I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest, willing myself not to cry. It was a stupid reason to cry after all I had been through, but I couldn’t stop the urge. I took in a shaky breath and let it out, wondering what I’d ever done to deserve this. It must’ve been something pretty bad.

After a few minutes I heard someone plop down next to me. I looked over and saw Chase sitting there. He gave me an apologetic smile and said, “I’m sorry for how I acted. I shouldn’t have judged you because of one little thing.”

“Thanks,” I breathed, completely stunned that he’d come out here to apologize to me. That had certainly never happened before…

He bumped my shoulder with his. “And because my apology kind of sucks how about I take you on a date tomorrow night?” I was speechless. Most guys didn’t even spare me a second glance and here was one asking me out?

“Sure,” I replied without thinking it over. What would I have to think over? Sure I had a little crush on Aiden, but hopefully a date with Chase could get rid of that.

He grinned. “Great, I’ll pick you up tomorrow at six.” I gave him my address and we swapped phone numbers before his friends came and pulled him away, claiming they were wasted and needed him to get them home.

Mere seconds after he left, I was joined by someone else. I looked over at him and saw Aiden. He dropped onto the ground next to me and searched my face with his eyes. “Are you okay? Alexis told me what happened and I swear I will make sure Shelby regrets it- although I’m pretty sure she already does.”

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