11- Explanations

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Chapter 11

“Okay, so, I’m a werewolf,” Aiden started, looking nervous.

I rolled my eyes. “I think we established that much… Are you really Sam though?”

“Yeah,” he admitted, not meeting my eyes. “But you can call me Aiden.”

I grimaced. “I let you sleep in my bed…”

“I know,” he replied, a smile taking over his face. I blushed, thinking about how I had held him at night for comfort and warmth… This was so awkward.

“Why did you follow me home that day?” I asked, referring to when I’d first found Sam- or well, him in wolf form.

He rolled his bottom lip into his mouth, nibbling on it nervously. “That’s where it gets even more complicated... Werewolves have soul mates and I was in wolf form when I saw you the first time. I couldn’t shift into a human and freak you out, but I couldn’t let you just walk away and risk never seeing you again. So I followed you…” The whole time he was looking down and speaking too quickly.

“Does that mean you like me?” I asked, feeling dizzy.

Aiden’s lips turned up in a half smile. “It means much more than that. But yes, that is part of it- I like you and I want to date you, kiss you, marry you, etc.”

“Wow,” I breathed. No guy had ever said he had a crush on me, let alone everything Aiden had just said. It stunned me.

“Samara, I’m not a normal person though,” he said, a bit sadly. He leaned closer to me and I thought he was going to kiss me, but he settled on pushing an auburn curl away from my face.

I shook my head slightly. “I’m not either. So you can turn into a wolf- big deal. That doesn’t make you an awful person; I know better than to judge people on stuff like this.”

“You are amazing,” he murmured, taking my hand in his. “Most people would be running away, screaming at the top of their lungs right now.”

I cracked a smile. “Yeah, well I’m not most people. But I am curious about where Milo comes in. And is Alexis a… werewolf… too?” The word felt strange on my tongue, so surreal.

“Okay, I don’t know exactly how to explain this… I’m going to be the alpha of my pack soon and Milo is the leader of a pack of rogues that want us gone. He thought if he killed you it would affect me so badly that I wouldn’t want to become alpha which would send my pack into chaos,” he informed me hesitantly, his eyes searching mine to see if I was keeping up.

“I think I get it- I’ve read enough werewolf stories to understand that… Obviously you don’t only change on full moons,” I noted.

 “We do shift on full moons as well.”

“Oh,” I said, getting distracted by him. I was pretty sure his face was getting closer to mine. Our lips were almost touching when I snapped out of it. I jumped away from him and stood up.

He frowned and stood up as well. “Do you want to go to my house and meet the rest of the pack? Plus my sisters would love to see you again… and I don’t want you to be alone after what just happened with Milo.”

“Sure,” I agreed easily. I didn’t want to be alone after what just happened either. “Just let me get changed real fast…” He nodded but didn’t move. I gave him a look and he sighed.

“Fine, I’ll be in the hallway if you need anything,” he grumbled, leaving my room. I locked the door behind him and quickly changed into my normal clothes- I was already sick of wearing the dress.

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