3- New Friends

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Chapter 3

When I got home, I flopped onto the couch, too tired to grab my sketchbook and venture into the forest like I usually did. I had to run six miles in PE and then walk home, so by this point my legs felt like rubber- painful rubber. I turned on the TV and started to watch the show that was on; it was a nature show about giraffes. Suddenly a weird scratching noise had me looking around in a panic. My eyes landed on the back window and I saw Sam sitting outside, pawing at my window. My eyes widened at the fact that he'd actually came back. I didn't waste any time in getting up and letting him in.

He ran over to the couch and lay down on the spot that I'd been sitting on before. I rolled my eyes and sat next to him, petting his head. "Hey, Sam, what did you do today? Eat some rabbits?" He made a noise that sounded distinctly like a snort.

I sighed. "Well what did you expect me to guess?" He just stared at me until I remembered he couldn't talk. I slapped my hand to my forehead at my own stupidity; of course he couldn't talk.  “I had a boring day. Other than what happened right before lunch, I guess. I met this guy that stuck up for me for some reason..." The more I thought about Aiden, the more confused I became. What did he get out of helping me?

Sam whined and nudged my hand with his giant head, making me notice that I'd tuned out and stopped petting him. I instantly started stroking his fur again and relaxed a little. I had never thought I would have a friend after everyone found out what I could do, yet here I was with one curled up next to me. I loved this.

I woke up to the sound of my ringtone playing loudly. I slowly pried open my eyes, aware of something fuzzy on my face. I sat up and realized that I'd fallen asleep and at some point my head had ended up on Sam's back. He blinked at me as I sat up. "Sorry, I was probably crushing you..."  I said sheepishly, before grabbing my phone. "Hi Mom," I greeted, knowing who it was without looking. I only had a phone so my parents could call every once in a while to make sure I was alive.

Her tired voice replied, "Hi Samara. How is everything?"

"It could be worse," I muttered, pulling at the lose threads on my shirt in a habit.

She laughed, but it sounded forced. "Well, how is school? Have you made any new friends lately?" There was no reason for her to ask when she already knew that the answer would be no, yet she still did it. I think it was a way of making me suffer more than I already did.

"Actually, I found a wolf in the forest yesterday and I've kind of adopted him." The words came flowing out of my mouth without any thought and Mom didn't respond. I bet she'd expected my regular answer of 'not yet, but I'm working on it'. It was about time I told the truth.

She sputtered out her next words, "A wolf? You adopted a wolf that you found in the forest? What were you even doing in the forest? And he's going to track mud all over the place and have accidents in doors! Samara, what were you thinking?"

"Relax, he's pretty tame," Sam growled lowly at this, "And I'll clean up whatever mess he makes." Not that you'll ever be around to see if he makes a mess or if I clean it up, I added silently.

She sighed and grumbled, "Alright… I have to go; your father and I are about to board our plane to Paris."

"That's great Mom," I replied automatically. I'd lost track of all the places they'd been to. I didn't even know where they currently were. My dad worked from his computer so he could go wherever and Mom owned a ton of clothing stores all over the globe. The stores provided an excuse for them to never be home.

She simply responded, “Goodbye Samara. I’ll call you later.”

“Okay, bye,” I all but whispered. She hung up and I resisted the urge to throw my phone across the room. I really didn’t want her asking what the huge expense on my credit card was for. Yes, I have a credit card. Mom’s stores are doing great so we currently have a ton of money and honestly, I need a credit card. I can’t buy groceries, clothes and all other necessities else with only cash.

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