Chapter 2: To The Concert!

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"Yeah alright see you in a bit" you sigh, you just finished talking to Anna on the phone she went home to get ready she'll be bringing you since you don't no were the concert is being held, you still haven't gotten ready not really knowing what to wear

Anna suggested you just wait for her and she'll help you, you were looking at what clothes laid out on the bed mountains of shirts and jeans laid about you heard the door open downstairs your mother talking to someone you couldn't hear what they were saying

Next thing you no Anna slammed the door open yelling at the top of her lungs making you jump "HELLO MY DARLING!!" "ANNA WHAT THE HELL! almost gave me a heart attack" You had a hand on your chest "sorry (y/n)" she said with a sheepish smile "I'm just sooo excited!"she looked her teal eyes traveled to your bed and back to you

she giggled "what happened there?" "oh that's what happens when you can't find what you gotta wear" you said "okay (y/n) lets begin" she walked over to your bed and began to throw clothes, you had to dodge some that came flying your way after 15 minutes Anna decided what you would wear, gave you the clothes and pushed you to the bathroom to get ready

After you got out you were now wearing black skinny jeans that had a couple holes in them with a plaid shirt sleeves rolled up to your elbows and combat boots "There now you look appropriate enough for a concert" Anna said

you just noticed what Anna was wearing a black frozen heart tank top showing off her freckles she has on her shoulders, all black converse and blue skinny jeans her hair in her usual two braids "Okay now your hair and makeup" Anna said with a huge smile you could tell she was enjoying this

She began to do her work styling your (h/c) brushing it out into beautiful waves leaving it out loose Anna did a once over satisfied and did your makeup she put eye liner and mascara making your (e/c) pop and lip gloss

you didn't like makeup so you were happy when she had only put a little on you "There you go" you looked at yourself in the mirror and couldn't help how nice you looked "Thanks little red" you said hugging her and spinning her around she was a good 2-3 inches shorter then you so she was easy to carry

"Alright alright lets get going we still have another hour" she said in between her laughter grabbing a jacket you headed out you were about to leave the house when your mother calling you from the kitchen "(y/n)" "yes?" "You remembered your keys?" She said

you checked your pockets "um be right back" you said to Anna she giggled and said okay once you grabbed that you were ready to leave, until she called you again "money?" You checked your pockets "once again be right back"

running back upstairs, coming back down you walked pass the kitchen looking at your mother smirking at you "how about your I.D" it was more of a statement then a question, you were annoyed now and her smug expression didn't help going back

hearing Anna laugh you grabbed your I.D coming back downstairs walking pass your mother seeing her open her mouth you looked at her and sent a glare "don't even think about it" she just chuckled and sent her goodbyes to you and Anna

Once you both were finally out the house Anna started the car and left
The whole way there you and Anna were singing and laughing to the songs on the radio, time went by fast and before you no it you were there

seeing so many people and what you could guess the bands tour bus, the place alone was huge, since it was packed Anna had to park in the back walking there you went up to the very big intimidating man guarding the door his name tag said oaken

He looked at you and Anna "can I please see your I.D ladies" he said with a smile you and Anna couldn't help but be shocked at his voice it sounds so gentle for such a big guy his accent was very strong as well "sure thing" Anna said with a smile of her own handing him her I.D

he looked at it and have it back to her you handed him yours and he did the same "and tickets" showing him your tickets he moved aside an allowed you both in "enjoy the show ladies" the smile still present on his face Anna's grew in size and begin pulling you in to the front row yelling back a thanks

You don't no how your ear drums are surviving right now you see people yelling, laughing, jumping, everyone excited even if the band weren't performing yet Anna was one of those people "(y/n)!! This is amazing!!!!!!" You looked around aside from the people the place was even bigger inside then out

Lights on the stage, instruments, some tech people working around making sure everything was in order for later, "this place looks great" you said Anna was bouncing in place she looked adorable "I know!!!" "Relax red your gonna be tired before they even come on stage" "I can't help it do you have any idea how long I've been waiting to see them" "I could only imagine" you chucked

"you'll thank me later by the way, your going to love them there music is great" Anna said "oh and you'll also thank when you fall in love with Elsa" she new you were interested in women and that didn't bother her that was one of the reasons why you really liked Anna

she didn't care about your personality or anyones really she just cared if you were kind hearted or not, you gave her a questioning look

"Who's Elsa?" Anna gave you an unimpressed look "the lead singer, ima give you a quick summary about the band, Elsa is the lead singer/ guitarist, Hans is the drummer, and Olaf is the bass player" "Ohhhh well that helpful information" she opened her mouth to say something back

when the lights dimmed she forgot and snapped her head to look on stage everyone was going crazy you new your ears were definitely bleeding right now if they haven't been before you looked on stage and saw a man with red hair and side burns? 'Really...' You thought

He had green eyes and went over to the drums he was wearing a regular white shirt that showed off his muscles and black jeans with worn out boots "OMG!!!!" Anna swayed a little if she kept smiling like that you were afraid her face would split in half "omg omg omg it's Hans I love him" she said

you laughed at her you never seen her like this it was entertaining "I didn't no you liked side burns anna" you laughed "whatever" you looked on stage and saw average looking guy his skin pale with black messy hair tips frosted white

And brown eyes he was wearing a white tank top with 'warm hugs' in black letters written on it with black jeans and white and black converse he has an eyebrow piercing and small white gauges holding his bass in place getting it ready

"(Y/n)!! If I faint promise you'll catch me" laughing you replied "of course" the crowd went even crazy when a women went on stage she had platinum blonde hair in a French braid resting on her left shoulder bangs pushed back revealing the piercings that were along her ears a medium sized snowflake on her left shoulder

She was wear a tight blue tank top with leather tights and black boots she looked towards the crowd giving a wink making her way to the mic and guitar that await her, her hips swaying this time making you sway

you never new someone could be so god like she was a goddess to you her beautiful blue eye and her cute nose piercing were making you believe more and more that she was a goddess "sooooo....did your heart stop yet" Anna said you could hear her smirk

your eyes were wide and your mouth hung open you didn't realize you looked at her "Pft wha- no what are you talking about" the blush on your face said other wise her smirk only grew not believing you

you looked back on stage the band the band looked about ready Elsa adjusting the mic she was loving the way everyone was calling her name she looked around the crowd until her eyes landed on yours (e/c) met blue eyes you thought you were going crazy until she smirked in your direction and winked at you then continued to look around at her fans

Your blush was now a full body blush you couldn't help the shiver that ran down your body when she winked at you "Wow now I no your heart stopped" Anna laughing at your reaction she was looking at Elsa as she was looking at you and saw the whole thing

your blush increased if that was possible "well gee I'm sorry I couldn't help it Look At Her!" there was a pause ".....I want that thank you now" Anna said with a smirk

The Frozen Hearts (Elsa x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora