Chapter 17: Cheaters

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"About what" Elsa questioned you walked into the room she followed and closed the door "can I ask you something and you have to be completely honest" Elsa nodded "of course" you took her hand in yours "how many people have you been with?" She looked surprised "wha-" you cut her off "have many people Elsa" hearing you say her name in a serious tone made her frown "Ive been in a couple of relationships (y/n) but why are you asking me"

You pulled your hands away "Hans told me" she looked confused "he told me you where with many people and I'm not the only one you ever told I love you to, its a pick up line  right?" you saw her panic for a moment eyes widen "Hans told you what?!" You took a step back "so it's true..." She stepped closer to you "(y/n)" she sighed

"He's right..." You felt your eyes start to tear "but it's the past (y/n)" she looked deep into your eyes "I was with women before not many but a couple more then I should have" she looked away "it's true though, at first when I met you my intentions weren't anything near romantic I wanted you like I would any girl-" she was cut off "so I am just another play thing"your eyes narrowed, you wiped your eyes with the back of your hand

"How long were you gonna keep me here? Until you got in my pants?" With every word you stepped closer until you could feel her breath on your lips "(y/n) at first only -"you shook your head " forget it Elsa" her heart stopped "(y/n) let me finish the more I spent time with you the more I fell in love I don't no about Hans but i actually love you" she said desperately "so you knew about Hans huh?"

"You knew the way he was, what he wanted from the start and you let him get with Anna!" by now your blood was boiling just like it did when you were confronting Hans, Elsa was frozen in place not knowing what to say "I think we need some time off" you said that snapped Elsa out of her spell

"Wait (y/n)" she had tears in her eyes "please I'm sorry but I really did fall for you I love you more then anything please don't leave me" she pulled you into a hug her head laying on your shoulder you couldn't take this anymore you had to go, your beyond confused to many thoughts were spinning in your head

"Elsa I need to go, we need some time apart" all anger leaving you, your just tired and broken "please" you said weakly pulling away from her you turned around and quickly wiped your eyes heading out the door and closing it you leaned against the door tears silently falling you didn't have the energy to wipe them away

You let them slide down your cheeks heading down the hall way on the other side Elsa stared at the door she watched you leave she couldn't move she was paralyzed 'she left' is all she could think 'I let her go' realizing what she did she ran to the door she looked out to the hallway and saw it empty

Slowly closing the door she slid down head resting on her knees she didn't know how long she was in that position but the tears never failed to fall

You ended up by the pool area it was empty which was a surprise but you were grateful you sat on one of the chairs and put your head in your hands 'she used me' you thought 'and I just believed her I thought she actually loved me' you let out a sob 'why does this keep happening to me?" You were a mess and you knew it

Freely crying now you didn't hear the sound of footsteps nearing you felt a tap on your shoulder you looked up and met brown eyes and a familiar uniform "this probably isn't the best time but I just wanted to make sure your okay"belle said hesitantly  you wiped your eyes hopefully for the last time today "no I'm not okay" you looked down at your feet

Belle took a seat next to you but not to close "wanna talk about it?" She questioned she was surprised you actually gave her an answer "not really I just wanted to sit here" she nodded her head "I'm here if you ever wanna talk" she said standing up she was surprised once again by you grabbing her wrist

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