Chapter 6: Home

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"Anna" no answer "Anna...." Still no reply "helloooo anna" you said calling out to her, you were at Annas house waiting for Kristoff to come over after getting back home from seeing his family he got a new dog

"ANNA!" You yelled next to her ear she's been texting Hans since you came over "Ah!!" She jumped and glared at you "What! What (y/n)" you smirked "well I just wanted to tell you something" ".....are you going to tell me?" She looked at you with a unamused face

"Hi" you smiled at her, you just wanted to get her attention "If I didn't love you (y/n)" she looked back at her phone and continued to text "aww come on let's do something" you said "and we will when Kristoff gets here" she said

"Oh which reminds me what are you going to tell him when you mention that your in love with hans" you said since she was ignoring you you decided to tease her a little "I don't know what are you going to tell him"

"What do you mean?" You said confused "you know about you and Elsa" she said her smirk only growing, you didn't need to look at her to no that she was messing with you "like I said I don't know what your talking about anna"

"Please that smile you had last night could have lit up the world" she said as she rolled her eyes, when you walked away from Elsa last night you couldn't stop the grin that was going to spread across your face, you didn't even try to hide it

When Anna questioned why you looked like that you just continued to walk and said it was nothing "well....could you blame me she kissed my cheek" you blushed as you remembered how soft her lips were "and you should be the last one talking little red"

She looked at you with fear and blushed "wh-what are you talking about" "oh you know just when Hans kissed" you looked at her, she was going to respond when she heard the door open "IM HOME!"

The voice belonged to Kristoff Anna dashed out the room hoping to avoid having that conversation with you, you followed after laughing "hey kris how was your week?" Your question "(y/n)!!" He ran and gave you a hug crushing you

"Easy there big guy any harder and (y/n) might start turning blue" you looked at Anna and noticed she was playing with a dog, it was pretty cute it was fluffy and brown "right sorry" Kristoff said putting you down "(y/n) I would like to introduce you to our new family member Sven"

He ran over to you and jumped up he seemed like a really happy dog, you smiled and bend down on one knee petting him "hi sven" he licked your face and you laughed "aww how cute" Anna said

"So what did you guys do since I was gone?" Kristoff said, you and Anna looked at each other talking with your eyes "should we tell him" " well we're gonna have to" "you tell him then" "why me?" "Because I can't explain it" "fine"

"Well kris here's the thing" you said looking at him "long story short me and Anna made a couple new friends" you said Anna who was standing beside Kristoff gave you two thumbs up "really who?" He scratched his head

"Wellll" you just decided to be blunt "the frozen hearts when we went to the concert they wanted to see me and Anna back stage telling us if we wanted to get breakfast then we went to the arcade" you looked to see his reaction and his eyes were wide

"You-you and Anna hung out with th-the frozen hearts" he said sounding amazing yet not truly believing you "yup" Anna decided to jump in "sorry gotta see it to believe it" his arms were crossed, you rolled your eyes "anna tell Hans if they want to come over"

"gotcha" she said texting him "oh kris if Hans and Anna start making out don't be alarmed okay" you said laughing anna stopped texting and looked at you with a expressionless face Kristoff looked confused "why-" he was cut off by Anna

"And don't be surprised if (y/n) and Elsa go up to the guest room" she said with a smile that wasn't as innocent as she made it out to be "alright you two have to explain some things to me" he said with a very confused face

"Things can be explained when I'll explain what that thing on (y/n)s neck is" she said you blushed "I don't have anything on my neck!"you said "not yet..." "Okay okay enough you ladies" Kristoff said "Hans said they would be happy to come over" Anna said

You could tell she was trying to keep her excitement down "What are you serious!" Kristoff said "yeah look" Anna showed him the text, he looked at the text and his jaw dropped "holy shit you weren't playing" "why would we?" You raised a brow

"Holy shit I'm gonna meet frozen hearts" he said jumping up and down it was pretty funny seeing this huge guy act like a little kid, he reminder you of Anna sometimes "yeah that's what I kinda said to just not as colorful with the language" she laughed

"So wait are you guys...." he trailed off "what?" You said "what you guys said earlier about Hans and Elsa I mean" "oh that yeah we were (y/n) here is In love with Elsa" she said smiling " it's kinda cute how they would act all shy around each other" you just sat back on the couch to prepare yourself for what was coming 'gotta love when he's home' you thought

"Ohhh and please do tell how they were acting" Kristoff said "let me put it this way" Anna said "oh (y/n) I just love your (e/c) I could stare at them all day, oh but Elsa my beautiful queen you could stare all you wish if it would make you happy"

Anna started laughing after teasing you Kristoff soon joined in not believing that You of all people could act that way, he has never seen you show affection to anyone other then to your family, Anna and him

"This I gotta see then" he said after his laughter died down "are you to done" you said rubbing your temples you loved them but you could take so much "it's pretty cute though" Anna said smiling

Annas phone buzzed and she saw a message she smiled "speak of the devil and he shall appear" she said "but in (y/n) case he shall be a she" Anna gave you her phone to look at the message it read "(y/n) hey it's Elsa my phone kinda got destroyed long story I'll explain later but I just wanted to say hey"

You smiled before replying "hey Elsa it's fine I can't wait to see you later" after a few minutes she replied "sorry (y/n) Hans and I are fighting over this phone right now he really wants to talk to Anna so I'll see you later :)" you once again replied "see you later Elsa can't wait :)"

You gave the phone back to Anna "your knight and shiny armor won't let me talk to my 'queen'" you said "Ha! I knew it" she said pointing a accusing finger at you "whatever guys ima get something to eat if you want anything get it yourself" you said walking towards the kitchen

As you were walking away you heard Kristoff and Anna laugh about how your the actual knight and shiny armor to Elsa since she was your queen, you chuckled 'like I said gotta love when he's home' you thought

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