Chapter 18:Casino Fun and Disaster Part 1

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"Are you ready yet?" You and Anna were waiting for kristoff "almost gotta get the hair done" Anna rolled her eyes "you take way to much time to get ready" kristoffs poked his head out the door "at least I'll end up looking good" he looked Anna up and down and returned into the bathroom

"WHA-KRISTOFF NOT TODAY!" She angrily screamed at the door "I'm done so lets go" with those magic words you, Anna, and kristoff started heading out the door

"Where's everyone gonna meet at?" Anna asked "they should be outside the doors downstairs" you said heading into the elevator
while waiting for your floor you couldn't help but get lost in thought 'maybe what Casey said was right maybe bringing belle was a bad idea even though Elsa and I are on bad terms I still shouldn't bring her that could cause problems....but she shouldn't get jealous or anything belle is just a friend nothing more,

oh god I forgot about Hans that damn idiot he wouldn't care if me and Anna are there his friends are coming so that means-'

You were broken out of your thoughts when you saw a hand tapping your nose "(y/n) are you okay?  You zoned out for a sec" Anna said worriedly "yeah just got some stuff on my mind" you didn't want to bother her with your problems she has enough of her own

"Well it's our floor, ready to go?" Kristoff said,  nodding you all walked out and met up with the group "finally you decided to show up!" Casey said "we didn't even take that long" you rolled your eyes "another 5 minutes and I would have had to go get you" Anna shot a glare at kristoff "blame him"

Kristoff put his hands up in surrender "guilty as charge but could you blame me?" "Alright since we're all here let's head in" Olaf said Casey trailing right behind him followed by marshmallow and the rest "actually go on without me I'll be in a few minutes" you said

Casey raised a brow and gave you a look "alright just come meet us when you're in there" Elsa who had said nothing since you came down silently looked at you and wondered why you're not coming in

The group went in but one who stood by the door "Elsa" "(y/n)" a staring contest began no words needed to be exchanged by looking at each other you new exactly what's in her mind as did she

"Listen (y/n) I'm really sorry, what I did was unforgivable but I realized you where much more to me than what I could have imagined, you are far from just a play thing to me I love you and I hope one day you could forgive me" with that she walked passed the double doors and met with your friends

You stared at the spot she was just at her voice sounded so genuine and sincere you believed her but a part of you, the broken part couldn't  forgive leaving you in a bigger mess in your head then you were this morning and you hate to admit it but she has to be the most beautiful thing tonight you were certain

"(Y/n)" you turned around and saw belle standing there with a smile "hey belle are you ready?" You gave a small smile of your own "of course" taking your arm in her hands you lead her in the doors

Lots of flashing lights and a huge bar was set at one side with tables and drinks for days the decoration and machines all looked amazing you heard belle chuckle "it is pretty nice in here sometimes I don't mind being a maid"

"So where would you like to start?" She asked "how about we get ourselves a drink? Just to start off" she nodded "sounds like a plan" dragging you over, you both took a seat and ordered your favorite drinks "so how are you feeling?" She asked once you both sat down "as of right now shit" you said

Belle gave a fake frown "I'm sorry to hear that how about we try and forget about all your problems at least for tonight it's just you and me" she suggested "sounds like a plan" your drinks came and she raised her glass and tapped it against yours "for old times"

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