Chapter 19: Casino Fun and Disaster part2

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"What the hell is he doing here?" Kristoff said glaring hotly

"That damn idiot I knew he would show up"you said looking away, Anna just kept staring "why don't we ignore that for now" Olaf suggested "I'm sorry I can't be here right now" Anna began to walk away until you held her back

"You'll be fine Anna you have me and your friends here alright? He won't bother you" you said "al-alright I guess" you frowned thinking about Anna being sad helped you ignore the whole other problem going on the other side of the room

Hans stepped fully in when he spotted marshall playing black jack and walked over to him "alright so this is what the plan is" Olaf began to explain "(y/n) and i are gonna deal with Hans while you two deal with belle and Elsa"

We nodded our heads and split, kristoff and Anna heading to Elsa and belle to try and keep them from ripping each others heads off ,while you and Olaf tried to get Hans away from everyone

"He looks so fucking smug right now" you frowned heading towards him "so what did I miss?" You heard him say marshall just looked at him eyebrow raised, he wouldn't let anyone know but he lost a lot of respect from doing that to Anna he actually enjoyed her company

You tapped his should and he turned around "well don't you look happy" he said dully "what are you doing here" he rolled his eyes "why the hell do you think?" Olaf stepped in between you two before things got physical again

"Alright listen Hans could you leave?" His eyes widen a bit "me leave?" Olaf nodded shortly "yeah your company right now is not welcome nor will it be in the future" he said sternly

Hans looked to you then marshmallow then back to Olaf "are you serious your suppose to be my damn friend not hers or that whores" you pushed Olaf aside and got in Hans face"watch your mouth or your face will have of repeat of this morning" after hearing that marshmallow got up and stood behind Hans looking down at him making sure he wouldn't run away if anything

But he didn't back down "I would love to see you try I don't know what the hell you did to make my friends turn there backs on me but I know at least one person who wouldn't change" his head turned to look over at Elsa smirking

Who was currently arguing with belle, Anna was holding Elsa back while kristoff was holding belle you quickly went over to stop them from getting physical "please you think she'll go back to you!?" Elsa spat glaring hotly at belle "she loved me she never loved you, but then again who would love a punk trash like you anyway!" belle said matter of factly

Elsa was about to lunge when you stepped in between "Hey hey hey! Relax" you said holding Elsa back "(y/n) move so I could show belle how fast her ass could hit the ground!" Kristoff was struggling to hold back belle "(y/n) baby move aside so I could knock some of her teeth out!" Elsa looked livid "BABY?!?" You couldn't take anymore of this

"Enough!!" You had a headache and the drinks from earlier weren't helping not only did you have to deal with Hans and take care of Anna but you have to deal with this

"Stop for 5 fucking minutes!" You looked at both of them they both seemed startled at your shout and composed themselves everyone in the casino was looking

"We are getting out of here and talking like adults" you said looking at belle and Elsa "and you" you pointed at Hans "if I see you anywhere near Anna so help me god I don't know what will happen"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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