Chapter 3: Meeting

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"HELLO ARENDELLE WE'RE FROZEN HEARTS!!!" Elsa screamed out to the crowd, the crowd themselves going crazy "thank you for having me and my band play tonight" more screaming followed

"Tonight we are going to rock the hell out of this place, ARE YOU READY?!" The crowd screamed even louder "I don't think these guys are ready yet right Olaf" Elsa chuckled "Yeah your right" Olaf said with a disappointed look

You couldn't believe how loud these people could get, any louder and your sure your gonna be deaf by the end of tonight "That's more like it" Elsa said with a smile "I hope your ready for what's about to come next so LETS GOOOO!!!!"

Out of everyone in the crowd, Annas' scream had to be the loudest Elsa started strumming her electric guitar, crowd falling silent and Elsas smooth voice sounding like silk rang out
"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight not a foot print to be seen"

And the crowd goes wild, you would be lying if you said her voice wasn't hypnotizing the way the words just fell out of her mouth
"A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen, the wind is howling like the swirling storm inside, couldn't keep it in heaven knows I tried!"

By this time Hans was banging on the drums Olafs fingers plucking the bass strings and Elsas fingers moving like her life depended on it, the crowd was singing along you didn't no this song but you were starting to get into it

"Don't let them in don't let them see be the good girl you always had to be conceal don't feel, don't let them know well now they know!
Let it go, let it go can't hold it back anymore!"

Anna singing along with everyone raising there fist in the air, everyone was jumping dancing along you were also raising your fist in the air grinning even though you didn't no the lyrics you were still having fun

"Let it go, let it go turn away and slam the door I don't care what there going to say! Let the storms rage on the cold never bothered me anyway
It's funny how some distance makes anything seem small, and the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all!"

You couldn't help but look at the way Elsa would swing her hips from side to side and how adorable she looked when she would really get into the song

"It's time to see what I could do to test the limits and break through no right, no wrong, no rules for me I'm free!
Let it go, let it go, I am one with the wind and sky let it go, let it go, you'll never see me cry!!"

You were dancing and singing along when Elsa would sing the chorus you had to admit this is the most fun you've ever had and definitely would thank Anna when this was all over

"Here I stand and here I'll stay let the storms rage on, my power flurries through the air into the ground my soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around and one thought crystallizes like an icy blast!"

How Anna could still be up and jumping will forever be a question to you, but you couldn't really say anything seeing as you both have been jumping since the first sentence of the song was sung

"I'm never going back the past is in the past! Let it go, let go when I rise like the break of dawn let it go, let it go, that perfect girl is gone, here I stand in the light of day let the storm rage on! The cold never bothered me anyway"

Elsa sang out finishing the song, we were all screaming out Elsas name the grin on her face said she was loving the attention "Wasn't that amazing (y/n)!" Anna said looking at you she sounded out of breath "I loved that song!" You were so happy, you haven't felt like this in a long time

"Oh yeah you guys were definitely ready" Elsa said "But of course that's just the beginning" she continues making her way around the stage to get water she turned to look at the crowd blue eyes searching for someone

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