Chapter 7:Hanging Out Part 2

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As we were waiting for the band to come me and Anna were currently watching the show breaking bad while Kristoff walked his dog in the back yard you were usually quit, you were lost in thought

"(Y/n)..." Looking over at Anna you saw she had a concerned look on her face "that's the second time I called your name are you alright?" She said "yeah I'm fine sorry I was just thinking" you signed

"Wanna talk about it" she put the show on pause giving you her full attention "it's nothing little red really" you forced a smile "nope something's wrong tell me"she said sternly, if there's one thing you no about Anna is that she will not rest until you tell her

She could read you like a book, you signed in defeat knowing your not getting out of this one "it-it's nothing Anna" you said turning your body over to her "I was just thinking about elsa" she looked confused "what's wrong then?"

"Well I like her Anna...." You thought you would see her shocked but her face remained the same as before "Well duh?" She rolled her eyes "it's pretty obvious (y/n) you like her and she likes you what were you thinking about though?"

"I was thinking of asking her out on a date when-" you were cut off by Anna "HOLY SHI- No Way Really?!?" Now she looked shocked "yes Anna as I was saying" you said glaring at her for cutting you off "later when she comes over but I don't think she likes....I mean I'm just me she's a freaking rockstar" you said

"Come on (y/n) any girl would be lucky to have you" she looked at you "and trust me Elsa does like you I could see the way she looks at you" Anna said "but she could literally have anybody she wants" you said looking at her dead in the eye

"You should feel special then because she chose you" Anna said smiling pulling you in for a hug, Anna does think your special it amazes her sometimes when you don't believe that "thanks anna" you said hugging her back

"What would you do without me" she said laughing "awe am I interrupting a moment?" Kristoff said walking in with Sven "no (y/n) here just needed some reassurance" she said "reassurance for what?" He said

"Anna don't you-" once again you were cut off by Anna "(y/n) IS GONNA ASK ELSA OUT ON A DATE!"She said pointing at you "dammit anna..." You said looking away from Kristoff "wow so (y/n) finally grew a pair" Kristoff said laughing

"I hate you guys" you said "love you to" they said in unisons you heard a bus outside and got up to open the door, opening the door you see Olaf running out followed by marshmallow, then Hans and finally the blonde beauty

"Hi (y/n)!" Olaf said giving you a hug "hi Olaf come in" you looked up and saw marshmallow "hey Marshall come in" "hey (y/n)" he said walking past you Hans nodded his head in your direction giving you a smile walking in

You smiled back and looked at Elsa "hey snowflake" you said giving her a charming smile "hi sweetheart" she said with a small blush seeing your smile and kissing you on your cheek " come in" "thank you"

As you walked back you heard "I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN!" You laugh and shook your head "oh Kristoff" you muttered making your way to the living room you saw Kristoff talking to the band they didn't seem to mind though you assumed there use to people fanning over them by now

"Okay kris you could lay off now" Anna said rolling her eyes "its alright beautiful" Hans said sitting next to Anna he put his arm around her shoulder "we get this all the time" he smiled "Olaf loves the attention" he said eyeing Olaf

"What? Is it so bad that I like a little attention" he said pouting, laughing Elsa said "its alright Olaf don't listen to Hans he just mad he doesn't get half the attention you do" you all laughed except Hans "what!?!" Hans said shocked

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