Chapter 10: Casey

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Footsteps crept into your room they saw you sleeping soundly in your bed 'we can't have that now can we' they thought leaving the room and returning with a cold water bottle moving close to your bed they examined your face

'My little (y/n) my how you've grown' "time to get up (y/n)" they said you began to stir you were having an amazing sleep who would wake you up so early ignoring who ever it was you turned over so your back was facing your intruder

You heard somebody sign and the next thing you know your covered in ice cold water "AH !WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" you yelled sitting up in bed glaring daggers to the unlucky person who dared disturb your rest "watch your language..." You slowly turned your head you were met with green eyes

"Ah!" You jumped again there stood your aunt Casey arms crossed and a amused smile on her face you looked at her hand and saw a now emptied water bottle, remembering you were soaking wet and cold you glared at her but it didn't effect her

"Please" she scoffed "put that thing away I taught you it remember" you just rolled your eyes and got out of bed "what no good to see you Casey?" She question "you threw water at me!" You yelled "there was other ways of getting me up" walking towards the bathroom to get a towel

"Actually I told you to get up you just ignored me" walking back to the room with a towel around your neck you walked past her "whatever cas is breakfast ready?" You asked "of course why else would I wake you?" She said

"To wake me" you said making your way downstairs with Casey following your met with Anna Kristoff and your mother eating at the table "your up good morning hun" your mother said "hey (y/n)" "morning" Anna and Kristoff said

"Morning guys" you smiled and began getting a plate of eggs bacon and pancakes "honey why do you have a towel around your neck?" You looked at Casey and she began to laugh and threw the empty bottle of water in the trash "no reason (y/n) was going to take a shower after eating isn't that right (y/n)" she smirked

"Yeah that's the reason" you said with sarcasm you sat down and began to eat taking a bite of your bacon Casey decided to speak "so (y/n) I heard you have a little girlfriend is she hot?" You choked on your piece of bacon you turned your head to look at her

"Wha-" you were cut off by Anna "I'm sorry (y/n) she just kept asking and asking and asking and you no how I am under pressure and her eyes were reading my soul or something I swear-" "Anna..." "And then I tried to lie but I-" "Anna" you said louder she stopped her rambling and blushed

"She would have found out sooner red it's okay" you smiled and looked at Casey "yes I have a girlfriend" she ran around the table and gave you a bone crushing hug similar to Annas "oh my little firebug has a girlfriend" you blushed in embarrassment remembering the pet name

"Can you not call me that" you whined everyone chuckled "so have you done it yet" she smirked at you "what?!" Your eyes widen "you know did you rock her world?" "CASEY!" Your mother screamed "what?" "I don't want to hear this" your mother said

Rolling her eyes she sat back in her seat arms crossed "...what is everyone doing today...." Kristoff finally spoke trying to change the subject you mouthed a thank you he just nodded his head "well I have to go to work" your mother said getting up "I'll be home later (y/n) watch your aunt for me" she said grabbing her keys and coat "hey!" She glared at your mother

Your mother only smirked in return"love you see you later" with that she walked out the door "sooooo" Casey said with a smile "now that she's gone wanna go out" she said with a mischievous smile

"Sorry I can't I have to go to work to" Kristoff said "first I gotta get Sven then go to the auto shop but I get out early I'll probably end up meeting you guys up someplace" he said taking his leave "thanks for breakfast guys see you later" he said waving "bye kris" "bye Kristoff" you and Anna said

With him leaving Casey spoke again"so it's just the girls then huh alright I could work with this" she said smiling "I have an idea" she said slamming her hand on the table making you and Anna jump "lets go get your girlfriend (y/n) and your boyfriend Anna and go to club tonight" she said smiling broadly

"That's a great idea!" Anna said high fiving Casey "are you in (y/n)?" She questioned looking at you, you began to think 'me and Elsa dancing close together with drinks all night' you thought 'not a bad idea' you smiled and looked at the to "okay I'm in"

"Yes!" They cheered "Ima call up Hans and everyone and tell them were we are going" Anna said racing to the other room to grab her phone "well (y/n) I can't wait to meet Elsa" she said smirking at you, you groaned yeah if your gonna dance and drink with Elsa all night your were going to have to introduce her to Casey

"Please do me a favor and don't scare her away" you said with a pout "yeah yeah yeah sure" she said rolling her eyes Anna came back into the room with a big smile "they would love to come" Casey smiled "great now I get to see my little firebugs lover" she said laughing Anna joined in

You looked at Casey you couldn't lie you really missed her you smiled and began to laugh to

Authors Note:
So that was Casey gotta love her right next chapter will be Elsa meeting Casey along with everyone else good luck until next time everyone

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