Chapter 8: The Date

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"Oh come now (y/n) you'll be fine" Anna said reassuringly today was the day you were going to take Elsa out on a date

"How can I be fine Anna!" You said panicking you thought of a couple things you and Elsa could do together but she's a rockstar what if she expects something big you didn't have that type of money

"Just calm down what are you so worried about?" She said you were at Annas house she's helping you get a outfit and think of things you could do to impress Elsa "I mean if she said she wants to go on a date with you she wouldn't care where you guys went as long as your there right?" Anna was right

But you wanted to do something special for Elsa it's a first date you wanted to make a good impression "anna I want to make this special" you said looking down you, Anna looked at you with sad eyes she knows you want to show Elsa an amazing time so she gonna help you, that's why she's here

"Oh (y/n)! I have an idea"she said with a mischievous smile you didn't like that smile it meant trouble but you were out of options "okay red lets hear it"

Elsas P.O.V
I'm nervous I have no idea were (y/n) was taking me but I wouldn't really care I really like her I get crap from the guys about how she "thawed" my heart but it's the way they show they care

"So where are you going dressed like that elsa?" Olaf said I was wearing a blue dress that sparked it had a slit on the left leg, I rarely wear dresses but I wanted to look nice for our date "I'm going on a date with (y/n) you no the one that you overheard" I said rolling my eyes

Olaf laughed and pulled out his phone "say cheese!" And a flash went off and I blinked a couple of times "Olaf!" I said rubbing my eyes "are you trying to blind me!" "What's with all the noise" Hans said coming out of the bathroom

He looked over at me up and down with a straight face then a smile came on his face "so Elsa were are you going?" I groaned "on a date" I said "not with that dress your not" he said

I looked at him confused my dress looked fine "the hair works just not with the dress what do you think olaf?" he said looking over at Olaf "you no what looking at it now I see what you mean" he said I have my hair in a elaborate bun, with the dress I thought it looked pretty good

"I'm right here guys and I think I look good" I rolled my eyes "you do lets just go to your closest and let me work my magic" Hans said walking towards my clothes Olaf followed right behind pushing me

"Guys I look fine" trying to get them to understand "wait here" Olaf said ignoring me as I sat waiting for them they came back with another dress in there hands and smiles on there faces "this one is perfect" hans said holding out a red dress

I forgot I even had that old thing I wore it once and just completely forgot about it thinking back then the dress actually looked good "go try it on before your late" Olaf said pushing me towards the back room to change

A few minutes later I walked out with the red dress it was cherry red it stopped mid thigh and it was strapless they even picked out black heals "our little girl has grown up" Olaf said leaning his head on Hans shoulder

"That she has" hans said crossing his arms with a pleasant smile on his face i rolled my eyes "thanks dads anyway I'm going to put red lip stick"i said walking away "YOUR WELCOME!" They said screaming I smiled I will thank them later I looked great

'(Y/n) better watch out' I thought with a smirk

Your P.O.V
Anna was doing your hair you just got everything ready and Anna is a evil genius Kristoff also came along and helped to "(y/n) you look beautiful" she said she spun you around to look at yourself in the mirror and gasped

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