~Yin and Yang~(waa7x)

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Long ago, over four hundred years, a civil war broke out between dragons threatening the land of Ishgar and the people who lived within it. The Western faction believing human-kind where nothing but cattle and should only be used as a food source and the Eastern faction believed humans where more and these dragons form alliances and lived among humans peacefully. At first victory seemed assured to those of the western faction until one-day, eastern dragons taught their human allies magic later known as dragon slaying magic. Soon the tide of war went towards their favor, but no one knew what was to come soon after. A man who was only to be known as a slayer of dragons and bathed in their blood. A man turned dragon only to be cloaked in wings of darkness and was only ever remembered as Acnologia. Acnologia's rise along with the black wizard Zeref and his horde of etherious demons brought the land into deeper chaos. Soon the people's heart became black and ruthless. With hopelessness and decay spread across the land, bringing the world into despair that hung like black clouds taking away the sunlight. One day a sage of great power rose and broke through this despair. Seemingly coming from the heavens with blessed eyes, he came with power over life and death, light, and darkness, giving hope to the people. This man would later face both Zeref and Acnologia in battle that raged for three days and three nights, scaring and shaping the very land they fought. The land of their battle site would later be a part of the northern mountains in modern day Fiore, specifically Mt. Zion. After their battle, Zeref and many his demons were sealed away while Acnologia had been defeated and fled never to be seen again. With both threats vanquished, the kingdom was at peace once again. Unfortunately, shortly after his battle the sage would disappear from the world. However, before his disappearance the sage spoke a prophecy foretelling that Zeref would one day be released from his seal and Acnologia would return to finish what he had started, bringing about the end of the world. This sage would later be known as the Sage of Six Paths, a god among men who had brought peace and joy into a corrupt and dying world. The magic council in his memory would form the ten wizard saints to act as protectors of the peace.

December 16, x784

The S-class promotion trials had been going well for those participating in the Fairy Tail guild until Grimoire Heart had attacked their sacred island in search of Zeref. The battles that raged where intense and long, seemly no hope for the Fairy Tail members. By some miracle they had began to push back Grimoire Heart. Eventually, Fairy Tail's strongest team made up of Natsu Dragneel, Wendy Marvell, Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, and Lucy Heartfilia had gone to face Grimoire Heart's Master, Hades. With an intense battle they emerged the victors, completely demolishing the remaining dark guild's morale. Fairy Tail's celebration however would be cut short as the earth itself began to shake in fear. The end of an era had come, the apocalypse dragon Acnologia had arrived. Out of desperation the guild had fought the black dragon valiantly but in vain as the dragon was too strong.

"We can't beat it!" Natsu had said, desperately on his knees staring at the black dragon. Beside him, Lucy had begun to cry while others around them like Natsu stared at the black dragon begging that some miracle would save them.

"All defense magic users bring out your most powerful spells." Erza yelled out, "We're going to die" woman with pale blue hair in a white soldier's uniform had said barely above a whisper next to Erza.

"Don't say that Esdeath! Naruto-kun would nev- "

"Don't you get it Erza! We're going to die!" The now named Esdeath yelled to the redhead, "Nobody's going to save us! Naruto won't come..." She kept repeating, her voice getting lower and lower. Erza just stared at her sister-figure in shock as had never seen her so broken and desperate.

"You may be right Esdeath- "Erza extended her hand towards the older woman, "But Naruto-kun would never give up because that's his way. The guts to never give up! That is what he taught us as his students."

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