Dxd Harem King x Reader (by DXDWriter)

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Big Shoutout to him I Just love his stories so since he was deleted by wattpad i decided that im going to transfer his books to here on wattpad  also dxd writer if your seeing this im a big fan 

: New SchoolChapter Text

===== Monday - Day 1 (part 1) =====

----- Murayama's House - Murayama POV -----

Murayama's thumbs jab away at her cell phone as she slips her school shoes on.

Murayama: Katase, you're not going to believe this hot guy I'm bringing to school with me today.

Katase: ...

Murayama: I bumped into him yesterday while I was out with my mom. Literally. He was running, and it looked like he had been running for days and he ran straight into me.

Katase: ...

Murayama: He was totally exhausted, and my mom took him home and put him to bed. He slept most of the day, and when he woke up, he said that he had no memory of where he was from or anything. All he could tell us was that his name was (y/n).

Katase: ...

Murayama: Where are you. I need to tell you about him. My mom says that she thinks he must have suffered a traumatic experience. She says that he can stay with us until his memory returns.

Katase: ...

Murayama: I gotta go. I'll tell you about it at school. I have to go wake him up now. See ya.


Murayama knocks on (y/n)'s bedroom door, but is just greeted with silence.

Murayama: Wake up sleepy head, it's time to get up.

She knocks again a little louder.

Murayama: Come on (y/n), you'll be late for school.

Still nothing.

Murayama: You don't want to be late on your first day do you?

Should I go in? He could be getting dressed. He could be naked.

Murayama feels her face start to go red thinking about catching (y/n) naked.

It's not like I haven't tried really hard to wake him from out here. That's it. I'm going in.

Murayama slowly turns the door knob and opens (y/n)'s door. The room appears to be empty, and (y/n)'s bed is newly made.

Where is he? He must be downstairs already.

Murayama rushes down the stairs two at a time and into the kitchen where her mother is humming to herself.

Murayama: Mom. Where's (y/n)? He's not in his room.

Mrs Saito: I know dear. He left early. He wanted to go for a run before school started. I made him a quick breakfast, and then he stuffed his school uniform in his backpack and ran off. You don't get a body like his without plenty of exercise you know.

Murayama: Eww mom.

Mrs Saito: Don't pretend that you haven't noticed what a great bod he has.

Murayama: Of course I've noticed. But you shouldn't have. What would dad say.

Mrs Saito: Well, your father isn't around is he. I'm so tired of these business trips. He called earlier, and he said it's going to be at least another two weeks before he can come home. I'm sick of it.

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